
Does anyone have any tips on trying to get your sell orders filled?

by  |  earlier

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It seems that I just can't get certain stocks to sell. My online sell order just keeps expiring. I guess my only option is to keep putting it in until there's a buyer? (Obviously this isn't company like Apple, the shares of which trade literally every few seconds).




  1. It sounds to me that the price you are asking might be unrealistically high compared to the present value of the stock.  What you paid for it and what it is worth now are probably vastly different.  If you need to move it, price it based on the current trading price over the past couple weeks. If you place a GTC (good till Canceled) order, you will not have to keep putting it in. My buy and sell trades move very quickly unless I'm guessing up when the stock is heading down. I use Fidelity Trader Pro for my trading.

  2. Stock prices are driven by supply and demand, just like anything else. If there isn't demand at your price, it won't sell. If it's a stock with low interest, it could take a while. Have you seen what the market order is? If your price is far from the market order, it won't sell.

    Or, if you are selling a high-volume, it may not sell that way.

    Like the other post said, use a GTC order.

  3. You could use a good-til-canceled limit order.  Vague questions get vague answers.  Email me with some specifics and maybe I can come up with a better answer.

  4. Two ways to go

    put the order with a time limit as GTC (Good till canceled)

    or if you really want to get out, set the price at MARKET

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