
Does anyone have any unique ideas for marketing children's books?

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I am trying to help market children's books. They are based on personal development and affirmation. There is already a website, Does anyone have any unique ideas to help market these books?




  1. where are children? You find will adults who want to teach them...

    you will impress them with a quality product at a fair price -

    schools, private schools, Montessori, after-schools like Sylvain, Score! etc... - try it!

    give them a sample book and plenty of contact info sticker on book, business card, business letter , - plus you gotta call em back in a week - you ask them for a book order - start small is ok,



  2. There is a website I would like to introduce you to. The person running it helps to advertise on line jobs, products you can actually afford and also services and opportunities for people such as yourself. There is a website translator available on the site you can click on to so you can go global if you wish and get more traffic to your site, there are also places which do advertise for free, does it for free if you put there link right on your website, you can also get visitors.

    In order to get it running you must ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE. Though alot of advertisement places try getting you to pay a fortune, it is hard sometimes to make it if you don't know the right place to look. Next, you also need the proper support system. A network of people. Some networks have thousands upon thousands of people who run their own businesses and websites who are actually willing to lend a free hand, and I do mean FREE. They're not like the people you see out there who say, "I'll tell you my secret of how I made it happen, but for this amount of money." Then it turns out to be bogus. Direct Matches is a really great network to be involved in. I'm involved with them, it is wonderful.

    Working on-line at your own thing, especially your own website, does not mean you have to be an absolute computer wiz. There are professionals, newbies, and just your average person. There are all sorts of people out there working the net and their own websites and on-line businesses.

    I can give you three links today. The first link is to a wonderful new site that gives you access to some wonderful information on a number of topics. The second link I'll give to you will be to an excellent network which I mentioned before. They give you excellent support. Also on the first site I will mention, there is a link on there to a great company that helps you get your website running, that company also provides you with many other opportunities. You have got to check this stuff out, it's great. The third link I give is also to the company that provides the help I mentioned in starting your website or other things you may wish to start from home.  If you already have a website, they will do what they can to help you from there to be successful at it.

  3. in a business you have to share profit,then you get ideas

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