
Does anyone have body hang ups ?

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i try and lose weight but find it difficult my right side of my body looks worse than my left i was just wondering if anyone else is overweight and has trouble like this




  1. I dont but to help with your problem a good exerscise routine is to run and do multiple crunches.  

  2. I know that i am not overweight, but i just wish that i could lose my belly fat!

    I am a size 10 (which isn't fat, its the UK size 10), but my belly is not in proportion to the rest of my body, and makes me look like i'm 5 months pregnant!

  3. Very one has this problem but not that visible, for most.

    If you are right handed then right side is bigger and left side is smaller. This is the rule of thubm. There may be exceptions.

  4. YES! omg im so glad someone else is the same!!

    my right side is also bigger than my left.  my right hip is more fatty and the same with the thigh..

    i guess its just like when women have one boob bigger than the other?

  5. ya my body wont lose weight past 143 pounds!! .. also one thy always looks fatter than the other to me.

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