
Does anyone have cheers for volleyball?

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i need some where the captain says something, then the team answers or says something back please.

like just in the little cheer circle at the first of the game.




  1. 1 we are the ____

    2 a lil bit louder

    3 we still cant hear u we r #1

    we are the ___ 2 a lil bit louder 3 we still cant here u we r # 1

  2. well my team has a few... this is our fav (and it has motions) the * means the leader

    *hey panthers

    -hey what

    *show em how we get down

    -no way

    *show em how we get down


    (all) we stomp our feet (stomp in rythem with "stomp our feet") and we boogie to the beat and we turn around and we wiggle it oh just a little bit oh and we wiggle it oh just a little bit oh

    or you could use the ever popular but oh so motivating break down... its actually something we stole from our football team but my team gets so pumped when we do it







    and the last one has to be like out of control lol

    usually tho we just say "let the bodies hit the floor" and say it 3 times gradually getting louder and then cheering.

    hope those help

  3. CAPS- captain



    red hot!


    red hot!

    our team is r-e-d with a little bit o h-o-t

    our team is r-e-d red h-o-t red hot, red hot, red hot, uh!

  4. (to the tune of smack that)

    Hit it, all on the floor

    Smack it, bring it some more

    Us (team name), we got this score!

  5. okay well my team always went....

    whos' house?

    our house

    whos' house?

    our house


  6. i share your pain. but for instance my team is called the hawks. so what i say before we start a game is "WHO'S HOUSE?" and they respond "H- HOUSE!"  and i reapeat it about 4 times then i say "lady hawks" on 3 "1,2,3" and all together say "LADY HAWKS!" just replace it with ur team name ESPECIALLY at home games. hope that helps with your situation.

  7. I only know one where the captain says something

    Here it is:

    (Captain) Whos gonna go, gonna go, gonna go?

    (Team) We're gonna go, gonna go, gonna go.

    (Captain) Whos gonna fight, gonna fight, gonna fight?

    (Team) We're gonna fight, gonna fight, gonna fight.

    (Captain) Whos gonna win, gonna win, gonna win?

    (Team) We're gonna win, gonna win, gonna win.

    (Captain) Whos gonna go?

    (Team) We're gonna go.

    (Captain) Whos gonna fight?

    (Team) We're gonna fight.

    (Captain) Whos gonna win?

    (Team) We're gonna win.

    (Captain) Whos gonna go, gonna fight, gonna win?

    (Team) We're gonna go gonna fight, gonna win

    Here are some group cheers:

    There was a little froggy, sitting on a log, cheered for the other team he had no sense at all. Fell into the water, bumped his little head, and when he came back up, this is what he said. He said go, go go, go you (Valley Vikings). Fight, fight fight, fight you (Valley Vikings). Win, win win, win you (Valley Vikings). Go, fight, win yeah go, fight, win. and guess whos gonna win. US!

    We will we will rock you down shake you up, like a volcano bout to erupt. strap on your seatbelts step on the gas. we're gonna kick some major everybody thinks there bad, thinks they're mean, but they're goin up agains the #1 team

    Hope that helps!


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