
Does anyone have cool nursery pics for a girl or ideas i guess?

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Does anyone have cool nursery pics for a girl or ideas i guess?




  1. Yeepp.. go on and click on images and them type in what pics you want..x

  2. precious moments

  3. My daughter's room is lady bug themed.  

  4. Make it a fairy tale princess theme. Or you could do a enchanted forest with little dragonflies and faries.

  5. I'd go with something neutral and not pink- unless this is your last child or dont plan on having anymore children. Babies R Us have a cute teddy bear set that is very nice!  

  6. i cant find my photos right now. but i did my daughters room pink and purple walls and then we got the little winnie the pooh stickers for the walls and did the nursey in the winnie the pooh theme.

  7. I think the website is called or

  8. I have no pics because I have a boy, but I always thought ladybugs would be adorable - black, red & white!

  9. I dont have any pics, but my cousin has the cutest little girls nursery. It may sound a little out there but it is beautiful. She went with a deep pink and painted 3 walls that color and on the main wall where the crib is she alternated brown and the same pink in thick vertical stripes. She topped it off my hanging block letter of her daughters name on the wall above the crib. So cute, wish i had pics. Congratulations on your little girl!

  10. What about a Mother Goose theme?  

  11. well i originally used care bears for my daughters nursery theme (because it was my nursery theme when i was a baby) but she didnt even sleep in her room till she was about a year old and by that time i changed it over to tinkerbelle and i love it.  

  12. Horses or a carousel? Teddy bears, unicorns, bows, rainbows, carebears, princess, hearts, ..  please no hannah montana.

  13. i used to watch this show all the time it was called like bringing home baby or something.. it was awesome. They had one i about died for.. it was a cinderella type theme.. they took a normal white crib and added to then sides 4 posts that like curled so it looked like a carriage and they had sort of a canopy above it (away from baby of course) and they had the wall seperated at the top it was a light yellowish color and at the bottom was stripes that was a light pink and i think a light green? and to seperate it they had hot glued this ribbon on it.. they said they had gems on it but it was a cchoking hazzard. then they painted a pretty castle on one of the walls and what looked like a road coming down to the "carriage" crib. i would suggest that all about girley stuff so white fluffy teddy bears and pink bows etc..

  14. I think Precious Moments is a cute idea for a girl. They have girl themes for Mickey Mouse too, and I've seen some really cute ones of those. I think Pooh Bear is played out a lot, but if you like that, there's a lot of cute ones of Pooh as well.

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