
Does anyone have direct experience with bio-digesters?

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I have seen so many conflicting websites on this and want to know how feasible it is. Specifically, can you use chicken waste? does anyone have experience using methane gas produced from biodigesters in the U.S. and how difficult is it to navigate local laws? Any ideas or tips on this, I find this subject really fascinating.




  1. Canada has a 5 bin recycling program, for several years now we have been composting coast to coast.(paper, plastic, glass, metals, compost)  I think it's amazing personally, but the city picks up the compost bin every 2 weeks so I don't have to deal with the smell or converting it to anything. It's actually a bi-law in my city to compost punishable by a fine if you don't. But Canada has been a few steps ahead of the recycling game in North America since the 80's

  2. I knew someone who built one about 20 years ago. His intent was to run his tractor with the gas he captured. That part of his plan didn't work very well because methane doesn't have enough BTUs to produce the power the tractor needed. He did have success heating his house and gas stove with it. He used the manure from all his animals. Pigs, chickens and cows. He was also able to run a generator with it.

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