
Does anyone have experience of the Child Support Agency??

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I have split up with my pregnant girlfriend, so obviously the CSA are now going to be involved, i have used there online calculator to work out what my payments will be, is this accurate?, does anybody have any advice in dealing with the CSA, i have heard many scary stories and i am really getting worried about it all, along with the upset of our breakup





  1. I work part time and my ex gets my kids every weekend. Try to get the baby every weekend. It will cut down on what you pay out. Or it did in my case. But Is ok with me because then they dont have to stay at the babysitters that much when i work. They get to be with there dad. He only pays 318.00 a mo. for 2 kids.

  2. I don't know if they are accurate. You would have to wait till after the baby born and child support is going. They go by the government law and by your income or how many hours you work..

  3. i agree with 38 X owes me 20,000 bucks for my 17 year old son.  I live in Mississippi and the case worker is either an idiot or just doesn't care.   It seems as tho if you live out of state it's easier to escape making the payments.  I am glad to hear your planning to support the baby.  Did ya'll break up because she is hormonal? Once her body returns to normal, she may have a change of heart.  

  4. Is she on welfare or any government program? i think the only way they can get involved is if she calls them and even then it can take a while for them to get a hold of you. my sons father went down to the office so it went real quick. but my hasn't paid any child s support in my whole life and i am 21.I'm not sure if the on line thing is accurate. they do go by your income. my sons father pays 75 a week. but he makes maybe 400 a month probably less. so it all depends. hope everything works out with you.  

  5. I used the on line calculator and found it to be very accurate. If you are able to stay on talking terms with your ex it will help. Do not listen to any off the stories out there, some people just want to scare you. When you get the forms to fill out just be honest it will help. At the end off the day if ou do not agree with the amount they say you have to pay you can appeal.

  6. CSA are bloody useless. my partner has a child that he pays for, 28 a week he pay but we have a child together and instead of putting the payments down, they put it up. i couldnt believe it.

    then last week he got a bill through the door of 305, we cant afford that, cos they worked the payments out wrong, they make me so angry.

    they will only get involved if she claims income support.

  7. The online calculator is totally accurate if you call the CSA they will use the same one as the one on-line.

    It takes into account your Net pay and how many children you have to support etc.

    the CSA isn't a great system but for payments it's fine. Just be careful as Men don't have many rights when it comes to the CSA and you'd be best to try and come to some amicable arrangement with your ex and then get it legalised if you can regarding visits and things like that.

    Things get very messy in breakups especialy when children are involved but just look at the bigger picture and try to keep things calm for all your sakes.

  8. First step will be to establish paternity. If you and your ex both acknowledge that you are the father, you should be put on the birth certificate as the father. If either of you have doubts, then a separate paternity case has to be brought (along with DNA testing) to determine if you are the father.

    Once that is done, child support will be established based on whatever formula is used in your state. Most states look at both the custodial parent's income and expenses as well as the non-custodial parent's income and extra-ordinary expenses. The following site provides links to child support calculators of all US states:

    As far as dealing with the CSA, in my experience that will depend on the attitudes of the individuals involved - you, the CSA tech(s), the CSA attorney(s), your ex and (possibly) the judge. The whole process should be relatively simple and straightforward, as long as everyone keeps cool and doesn't flip out.

    It may also make a difference whether your ex is on or goes on public assistance of any kind related to the baby. If there is no public assistance involved, the CSA usually can't get involved. She can try to get a child support order on her own, or hire an attorney privately to do so.

    Also - in most states, the CSA does not deal with visitation issues. They only deal with child support and medical insurance.

    Good Luck.

  9. Try and arrange it between the two of you (be sure to to set up a standing order so you have record of what you are paying). There are two different types of calculation C1 and C2 so it will depend on which one you are on. I would try to give the CSA a miss if at all possible. Try the (part of yougov) they are really good with advice on these things, and have a large amount of fathers for justice members who can give you support and help with regards to contact etc. as well as CSA advice.

    Hope all goes well for you.

    Good point Michael make sur you get your name on that birth cert or you will have to apply to the courts for parental responsibilities and she could drag that on and on. I would def try the parentcentre they will steer you in the right direction.

  10. OMG do not get me started on the bloody CSA

    I split up with my ex when my son was 1 1/2 he is now 6, I am still waiting on them to get me a penny from him, he has filled them full of lies, he lives abroad etc which is all bullshit, he is self employed earning a fortune, has lots of houses and lives about 2 hrs from me but for some reason they cant get hold of him

    Try and do this without the CSA it will cause you nothing but hassle

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