
Does anyone have good poetry ideas? If so 10 points and a spot on my site!?

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Okay i need some poetry ideas like trees flowers more not poems more ideas! I need to write some! Help please.




  1. Poetry is all about taking a simple idea/thought/moment/object and using the art of combining words and sounds to create it into something...more.  Here are some ideas:

    - Describe a significant moment in your life

    - Imagine yourself in your favorite or most hated place and describe it

    - How do you really feel about that alarm clock every morning? Write about it.

    - Describe a color, sound, smell, or touch in words.  

    - Take a strong emotion and channel it to a situation/moment in time

    - What does that tree look like against the sky? Blowing in the wind?  What do the leaves sound like?  Feel like?  What does it remind you of?  

    - Not sure what to write about?  Write about not being sure what to write about.  

    Remember to appeal to the 5 senses (draws in the reader), avoid cliches, and use your train of thought to connect ideas (i.e. if you're writing about love you could describe it using the following images: the color red, warmth, safety, etc.).  Good luck!

  2. Here's some topics:

    -your writer's block


    -a dream you've had

    There are many other topics. For really fast poem topics, choose something you can see in the area around you, or something simple in your life, and write a poem about that.

  3. -- simple everyday things, that usually go about unnoticed. Ex: grass, leaf, etc.

    -- an old tree

    -- a sapling

    -- a raindrop before it falls to the ground, or maybe the rainbow that is created briefly by a flash of sun

    -- a footprint (or pawprint)

    -- a leaf, before it is crushed on the sidewalk.

    -- a dead bird, a mourning bird, or just your ordinary, cheerful, singing bird.

    -- a puddle

    -- a pond with a sinking paper boat, or a pond filled with things like pennies, nickels, dimes, jewelry, etc.

    This was just on the spot, even if I'm not chosen as best answerer, I hope it helped!

  4. Try this site:

    A bunch of ideas here. A book version is soon coming out, so not all 100 writing exercises are listed on this, but it's a good start. And they're fun and most original. There's nothing else like them.

  5. Full Fall The Tides by McCulloch Somerled

    Full fall the tides of wintertime

    Upon the salt encrusted, iced, frosted shore

    Passed is each warming summer song

    Into that other country which held my prime

    Seized is the welcoming springtime door

    Oh ! For such youth does this heart long

    Such half-remembered faces, memories, wore

    Every sweet right and painful wrong

    Come to this shore of wintertime

    To we two give one heartbeat, moment, more

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