
Does anyone have healing abilities? Like laying hands on.?

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Does anyone have healing abilities? Like laying hands on.?




  1. I've been told I do, but it only seems to work on family members. Maybe because they understand it better.

  2. yes, his name is jesus, he died for you

  3. The only person who would have laying on hands abilities would be God.

    Laying on hands is asking God to heal through you.

    No person has those abilities, although there are a lot of good scams out there like Reiki.

    I knew a girl who claimed to be a 4th level reiki master. I asked her how long she had to study and practice to reach this prestigious level. She said about 3 months.

    She demonstrated her abilities and it seemed like the bulk of them were in here imagination.

  4. If i put my hand on my stomach or head when they ache it feels better, could be from the warmth though.

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