
Does anyone have ideas as to how to collect donations?

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I want to help out an elemantary school in a town outside of Guatemala city (about 1.5 hours) . I'm going in June. Its a really poor school, even though the government supposively runs it (lies).

They need a lot, but theres only soo much a 16 year old girl can do. I've tried asking companies and small bussiness owners for donations, but b/c its just me they won't help. I've tried to get rotary club to help, but they're more take than action. And I've tried volunteer groups. Even the ones I'm involved in won't help me.

So its pretty much just me. and friends who will help out.

I'm going there in June and I want to atleast take something.

The kids sent me letters asking for me to help them out.

they really need desks and chairs (they use bricks and their laps when they run out) they have no kitchen...asthma is a problem b/c there is just dirt. But what they said they wanted more than anything was crayons, and art supplies. I can see why too.

Crayola won't help..any ideas?




  1. My suggestion would be to take lots of pictures of the kids, of their living conditions, school desk needs, supply needs, anything you want help collecting.  When you return home, put your photos together in a logical order so when you approach individuals or companies about the need, you can show them your photos.  People can't under the need by your description, they need to see if for themselves.

    Also, you didn't mention whether you were collecting for an actual nonprofit or if you were just trying to collect money on your own.  Most people tend not to donate to causes unless they can write it off on their taxes, which means you need to be collecting in the name of a 501(c)3 nonprofit.  An actual organization that people and company can write checks to, which means you can't cash them in order to purchase items; the nonprofit organization would receive the money instead.

    Does that help?  Good luck and I love your passion.

  2. I applaud you enthusiasm, but there is little a 16 year old girl can do down there. You would serve those people better by staying home and drumming up support, as you are attempting to do here.

    What are your parents thinking, allowing you to venture so far afield, into a place where even adults aren't safe?

  3. i give you a lot of credit for what you are doing. the only ideas i have are maybe things like bake sales, yard sales, auctions.

    try to get people to buy stuff. if folks don't want to give money they may be willing to give some of their old stuff (junk) whatever for a sale.

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