
Does anyone have meet and greet tickets to Metro Station Showcase Live in MA?

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Their all sold out and I'm dying to get them for my 16th birthday i will buy them for almost any price please please please post here if u do!




  1. Scalpers who stand in front of the theater or place of the gig, right before a musical event will have extra tickets for people to buy , however they will expect to be paid anywhere from 10% extra to 5 times what the tickets are normally worth.

    Just show up about an hour before the show is scheduled to start , near the event building.

    You can try to haggle with them to get the price down.

    Sometimes you have to be kind of low key about it because they aren't exactly encouraged or welcomed to be there.

    They can be keen business people, hustlers, or some times just regular fans who have an extra ticket because their friend flaked out and didn't want to attend for whatever reason.

  2. Ebay is your best bet! Good Luck They're amazing!

  3. I don't, but good luck finding them!  

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