
Does anyone have mitral valve prolapse and had a baby?

by  |  earlier

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I have mitral valve prolapse so even when i go to the dentist i have to take antibiotics. My question is do i need antibiotics when i give birth to my baby? i am 37 weeks and baby is breech so if she does not turn i have to have a c section. I am a little concerned about my heart in all this. And if i have a vaginal birth will it put a lot of strain on my heart?




  1. I have MVP and had a C section. You will probably just get extra antibiotics.  I was not on a heart monitor at any time.  

  2. most do fine

    however they may give c section

    dont worry untill you have too

    since most mvp arent harmful

  3. Breech presentation with mitral valve prolapse is an indication for cesarian section to be undertaken by expert surgeons please.  

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