
Does anyone have near sight only on right eye?

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I have near sight on my right eye only, people don't see that when they look at my face, but it's a little inconvenient for myself sometime to see things far away. Is there any way to practice using my right eye, so it will get better? (cause i don't want to wear glasses or contact, besides I can't even wear glasses since my left eye is normal)




  1. Have you tried a contact lens for that eye?

  2. No way to improve the vision in bad eyes, it is what it is. You can wear glasses even if your other eye does not need correction. They will put a plano,non-prescription lens, in the other side if you don't need correction for it.   I know you said you don't want to wear glasses, but having both eyes working together will give you good binocular vision. Since only one eye is really seeing clear, night vision, TV, and  movies will be more enjoyable because you will be getting the whole picture.

  3. so far so good here

  4. My vision is similar to yours except my right eye is the normal one.  My left eye has moderate astigmatism.    My right eye tests at 20/20 and my left eye uncorrected is 20/50.   I usually wear one contact lens in my left eye and will wear my glasses at home when needed.  (I rarely wear them outside). The eyeglass lens in my right eye has no prescription, it is like looking through a window.

    I was first diagnosed with astigmatism in my teens and did not correct it for over fifteen years because the vision in my right eye is normal.  The main reason I started correcting my vision was due to the problems I was experiencing with headaches, double vision, and depth perception.  If you are not experiencing any issues like that, then you may not need to correct it yet.

    I actually attempted to do eye exercises and a vision improvement program to correct the astigmatism, but I was not successful.  I improved other aspects of my vision such as my night vision and how quickly my eye adjust to different lighting conditions.  I also learned ways to help avoid eyestrain when doing prolonged periods of near work.  I work on a computer 8-10 hours a day so it helped alot.  I do not regret my attempt to correct it because of the other benefits I received from it.  I also have strabismus (muscle problems) as well and I think that may have been why I did not achieve the results I wanted.

    Here is a link to the program I tried.  I know many people have achieved results from it.  As I saw it even if I achieved no results, it was a small price to pay for the potential to achieve them.  It was less expensive than a pair of glasses or a box of contacts.

    Good Luck!

  5. Unfortunately there is no way to stop myopia, or nearsightedness.  It's not bad to have it in just one eye, although usually the vision in both eyes is similar.  If it does get worse, you will probably need correction (and yes you can get glasses; there will just be a lens with no power for your left eye).  Just make sure you keep getting checkups with your eye doctor.

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