
Does anyone have or know where I can get info on witchcraft and magic? Not magic tricks but actual magic info.

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I am interested in the history, workings and current practices of witchcraft and magic. I do not want to learn about magic tricks or such things. I believe magic exsists and want to learn more about it.




  1. If your local library doesnt stock books on the occult and paranormal try the nearest university or city library and look in the anthropology and religion and folklore sections.

  2. I would recommend this blog  It has useful information on witchcraft and spells!

  3. Try Harry Potter

  4. Authors you should look into are Scott Cunningham, Raymond Buckland, Gerald Gardner.A sight youshould check out is

  5. Here are a few sites that can help you out!

  6. stay away from it if you are not pure in hart it will backfire on you i learned from exprience  you may open a door  that can not be shut or death can acure .  see my czin and i messed whith magic as kids ok we took a gun from popa and he shotme at poit blank after a few words spoken the bullit went through and into wall but no whole was in my body .ok then a boy like 3 miles down road died as if he was shot now holes in his body but internaly.

  7. best place is go to the library I seen a lot of witchcraft and magic books there. It will be next to the psychology section and the section with dream interpretation.

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