
Does anyone have patterns or have info on where I can get patterns for beading on stethoscopes? Thanks!?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks for the 1st two responses but, with all due respect, I'm a RN and have been for many years. I do know how to clean my stethoscope. I would like to know if anyone has patterns. Thanks again.




  1. My sister works in a store which sells uniforms, shoes, stethoscopes and so forth to workers in the medical profession, so you might want to check with one in your area to see what suggestions that have for what you're wanting to do.  Also, check out the following sites.

  2. I would not suggest that. Beading a stethoscope is not sanitary and the beads will fall off anyway. But I would suggest just using craft glue. Why dont you stick a sticker on it, might be better and last longer. Please help me:;...

  3. Hi,

    I saw a couple of patterns at:

    Hope this helps!

  4. that's a very BAD idea. Stethoscopes are supposed to be sanitary, and that leaves beading them  out. All sorts of germs could live in and around the  beads.

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