
Does anyone have personal stories about the ouija board? I'd like to try and would like personal stories =)?

by Guest34142  |  earlier

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What is your experience with them? I am fasinated by the paranormal and would like to try one. How bad can it be? They're from Hasbro =P Please don't tell me how dangerous they are, I'm looking for stories.




  1. Simply put, it is a board game. If it doesn't work it's stupid if it does work it's still stupid.

  2. They are not dangerous.  I used a Ouija board years ago and nothing happened.  Nothing happened when some of my friends played the Ouija board.  I actually found the whole experience incredibly boring.  Scrabble is much more fun, more interesting, and more exciting.  

    The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  It does not communicate with the dead and it does not contact spirits.  It does not open any portals to the underworld or to anywhere else.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.

  3. First, there's no Oujia board in the exorcist..

    One time I was using a Oujia board and then the pointer thing flew up in the air and stabbed my friend to death.

  4. I've used it many times.

    Its not a game.

    I've had things happen and have been told things that I didn't really want to know.

    You should be careful. It doesn't work for some, but others it does.  

  5. You should watch "The Exorcist", that's a cute movie about a Ouija board.

    Edit: Yes, there is a Ouija board, Reagan plays with it and talks to "Captain Howdy" In the beginning of the movie. I have seen it like 5 times. I am certain of it and then the mom tries to touch the Ouija board piece and it slides away.

  6. i tried a ouija board for the first time about three weeks ago i was

    kine of like "oh, its not going to work.its so fake" at first but once

    we started "playing" it, it actually worked it was just my friend and i

    "playing" it. first we asked if it was a good or bad spirit it said good.

    then we asked if it was a boy or girl it said it was a boy. then we asked

    how old he was he said he was six. then we asked how he died he

    said it had something to do with electricity. so basically after that

    we asked him if he could tell us some of our future. he said yes.

    so we started asking him a bunchhhh of questions and he would

    answer them. i was starting to think my friend was moving it.

    because i would take my hand off of it and it would still be moving.

    then i noticed that she took her hands off of it at the exact same time

    and the little pointer thing was still moving so then i new it was real.

    thankfully nothing bad happend that night or after that. but one things

    for sure that ouija board thing does work.

  7. Ouiji board isn't paranormal, it's an abstinent game board controlled by the people using it, it doesn't conrtol them. unfortunatly, gravity doesn't allow that logic.

  8. my GF and I were bored one night so we got out some  board games.  (get it?)  on the bottom of the stack was a OUIJA board.

    cool beans.

    minor problem, the planchette (the pointer thingie) wouldnt slide on the board.  Not at all.  The board was okay, the feet of the planchette looked fine, but set it down and it was like it was glued.

    so, we waxed the board.... seriously...

    guess what?  the d**n thing STILL wouldnt move!

  9. I have heard that when women play it, there individual breast start to move te pieces.  I don't know if its true or not.  I don't have breast or a ouija board.

  10. I knew two people who played with one and one said she heard a voice telling her to commit suicide. She resisted it ,but her boyfriend obeyed the voice and killed himself.

    I wouldn't touch a ouija board if they offered me all the  world's money.

  11. theyr not dangerous at all. the muscles of your body twitch when you are nervous, the twitching leads your hands to put the scroller on the letter or answer you are thinking you will get. its science, m'dear.

    but still a good time

  12. Don't even think about going there. A group of friends got bored one night and thought it would be fun to mess around with a Ouija Board. I witnessed what happened. One guy started to speak in a strange voice, started using vile and filthy language and basically took on an evil personality. An ex-army chap became concerned for his physical health after he collapsed, and he said his pulse and heart rate were dangerous. When this guy eventually came round (speaking with his normal voice and with his normal language), he had no idea of what had happened to him during the previous 2 hours.

    After I went to bed and to sleep, I was suddenly wakened up in the pitch dark by what I can only describe as an evil presence. There was no sound. There was no movement. But I sat bolt upright in bed in fear - I could even smell the fear on me. I prayed like I had never prayed before in my life and that evil presence moved on.

    Next morning, the caretakers of the training school reported their dogs were up and about in the small hours, barking, growling and with the hackles on their necks raised. They thought they had sensed a burglar. But there was no burglar.

    If you are stupid enough to experiment with a Ouija Board then my true life experience will not prevent you. But please bear this testimony in mind. There are forces of evil out there and they just love to take over the minds and bodies of naive fools who think it's all simple, harmless fun - especially people who have closed their minds to the possibility that evil exists.

  13. OK, I will tell you a story that has to do with my dad's friend.  Funny my dad likes to tell this story, like trying to get a message across without really taking away our free will.  "His friend girlfriend (now wife) bought a Ouija board and had some of her friends over to play.  Laughing, drinking and having a good time.  Well cut the story short, my dad said he think the Ouija board spirit got angry at them for being so disrespectful to the spirits power.  So the Ouija board gave them an initial of one of their friend (a man) and said this friend of yours will die.  True story after a few weeks that man committed suicide in his garage with the car fumes.  BUT the spirit gave her a chance to save this friend because that friend call her up that day and left a message on her recorder.  Well she came home and did not return the call maybe she forgot but it was too late.  Someone found him dead the next day."  If you play with the Ouija board you gotta know you will be getting in touch with a spirit (spirits are powerful because they are super natural); so don't show any disrespect what-so-ever.  Be serious and have good intentions toward the spirit.  The spirit could help you in a lot of ways.  People make things to be so evil in everything.  That's humans concept when they don't understand the supernatural world.  Why do people think only demons exist as spirits?  God's heavenly angels is all around us too you know.  Focus on heavenly beings for a change Christians.  

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