
Does anyone have recipes for foods that do not have meat but will still give a person 2-3 oz. of protein?

by  |  earlier

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I work in a small facility (10 bed) and we are looking at adding some meatless meals to our menu, but the regulations require meals with 2 or 3 oz protein. Any help would be appreciated.




  1. Tofu can be put in many dishes and provides lots of protein.

  2. 10 bed facility? What's that? So you live in some kind of commune? Hmm... Just order up some chicken. Real easy source of all the protein and vitamins you need. Do you really want to eat 3 cans of beans and spend your sleepy time smelling each others gas? I hope you have windows you can open...

  3. I got it!  Check this out...

    Use this site to create a recipe for a neatloaf using whatever you've got leftover in the pantry.  But remember, if you use tofu in it, be sure to slice it up thin and squeeze out the extra water before you crumble it.  If you don't, your neatloaf could end up not cooking through and you'll have a pan of goo.

    I love using this 'neatloaf calculator' for a main dish.  Good stuff and super cheap!

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