
Does anyone have some creepy ghost stories?

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or just some freaky stories in general!




  1. when i was younger i lived in a old mid-late 1800's  house and i swore up and down it was haunted. we had bats in the house and they got into my bedroom through my closet. and i had been attacked by one the week before, so i decided to sleep out on the couch for a while. as i was laying there trying to fall asleep i noticed my whole body started to go numb. i couldn't move my legs or arms and then i started to feel like  i was floating. of course by this time i was freaking out.. so i tried to fall asleep and couldn't, then i started to hear music,classical music i looked over and saw at least 6 people ball room dancing, the whole room had lit up and i could see them like i was watching a movie,i herd laughter and people whispering,and then the room went dark again and my body went back to normal. i got up and went to my room and hid under my covers. i guess i decided it was better to sleep with the bats then to experience that again..



  4. Just look up John Safran's exorcism on youtube.

    Or check out my story I submitted awhile back about my experience with the Faceless Lady in White.

  5. i have ALLOT of them...i think i am gifted somewhat and i think i see more than most people do..and for some reason my eyes always water when i talk about stuff like this....

    i'll give you two, one involves my husband though:

    we lived in an older house...everyone who went down the stairs always felt the need to run up them...they felt like they were bieng chased..

    there was a reason..after i had my first child,i was sleeping ustairs(with her)and he was my room,with a baby monitor...ever since he moved in he'd had unsettling feelings about the house(and so had i,i'd never felt it before tho, it's like it woke up when it felt his presence)then..he started having dreams...(really freaky stuff)he heard voices through the baby monitor .one night he had a dream about me coming into the room to kiss him(i like i did do on a regular basis)the door openend, shut, and he even felt pressure(like someone was sitting on the bed)he rolled over to look, and it was me...only dead and decayed..he got out of the room,went into the next room, where he encountered three men(not friendly,i had seen them before, needless to say i never went in the basement unless i had too.)they tried to kill him,he got to the bottom of the stairs.about half way up he felt like something was watching him,he looked it was a young girl(about 8)i hadn't seen her but, i'd sensed her evil presence allot)she glared at him and chased him up the stairs,just at his heels,when he got to the top he slammed into the door across from it,and she vanished. he woke up on the couch the next day,with corresponding wounds to everything he'd been through in his dream...

    i often see people standing around my bed(i can't make out who they are they are just like glowing myst)one night in texas...i saw a black man hanging'(in a nuse,sp?)from the corner cieling  dressed in ww11 pilot's attire.

    i've seen a woman(malevolent)in a house that looked like the girl fro the grudge..the electricity had gone out and i felt scared...i saw her peeking in the window...i had seen her once before laying on the floor.they were bolth one of those you glance and they're gone things...

  6. hey! yeah i have  lot...real stories i heard from the barrios before....they're mainly compose of witches......we can talk in messenger..

  7. In August of 2000, My father and I went to visit my mother and siblings who were then living in a tiny town called Palouse, Washington. It's too small to be seen on most maps, but on my watch and warrant, it does exist (if only in the most literal sense of the word).

    I had moved back to SE Idaho only a few weeks before this, when my only brother and I had shared the room nearest the stairs on the second floor.

    On the day in question, the weather was partly cloudy. My brother and I were playing video games in the room at the end of the hallway. As the sun passed behind a cloud, the hallway predictably darkened. Then...

    I distinctly saw movement to my left. I turned my head to see a man dressed in a long coat and hat walk from the room I'd stayed in toward the stairs and abruptly disappear. I needed to believe it was a trick of light, my mind, anything. Unfortunately, my brother promptly asked,

         "Did you SEE that?!"

    Since that ominous afternoon, I learned the haunted white house on Main Street we had occupied was once a poverty-stricken laundry service run by Chinese immigrants. According to the local legend, their fortune was so poor as to necessitate their trapping and eating rats to survive.

    I hope this is a satisfactory answer, since merely thinking of that day makes me markedly uncomfortable.

    Restless souls: Rest in Peace?

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