
Does anyone have some information on the Fire Support Man course?

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I recently found out my MOS is 0861 (USMC). I'm curious to the course is like. I know it's at Ft. Sill, OK. All the info I've found has been pretty vague. If anyone has some first-hand knowledge on it, that would be awesome.




  1. Hey Erik,

    I was an Army artillery forward observer (13F) then later became an artillery officer (13A). You'll be training along with Army Active and National Guard soldiers with the artillery forward observer MOS. The classroom instruction consists of advanced map reading and the different calls for fire such as grid, polar, shift from known point. Instruction also includes using electronic equipment (man portable), threat vehicle identification/capabilities(you have to become an expert), and actually calling in your own live fire missions both digital and voice.

    The only negative points with this MOS is when you finish the course and go to your unit, be prepared to be a radio humping Mo-Fo! I had a friend who not only had to hump his SINGARS radios, batteries, basic equipment, but also a SAW with 600 rounds of ammo.

    The best thing is that you will be an infantry platoon leader's right hand man calling and helping to plan fire support.  

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