
Does anyone have some really good scary ghost stories?

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Some really creepy true ones whould be great!!!!!!




  1. I don't know if this is creepy but I'm just trying to help.Me, my friend and her husband went to a trip once to bangkok and it was the hungry ghost month for chinese people.We saw people burning stuffs and putting foods on the road for the ghosts to eat.I was walking and accidentally stepped on something and a man came shouting at me saying curse words and he said that weird things will happen to me.I didn't really pay attention.When we went to our hotel room weird things started happening like the whole room was burning up.And something started chocking me.I was flying in the mid air and a voice shouted at me.I screamed and my friend and her husband came running up.They told me to say sorry and it was over.'s another one.

    I was in this house with my husband and my kid.A new house that we just moved into.The house was really nice and it always gives people this creepy feeling which I thought was kinda cool but my kid cried a lot before moving in.It had a forest behind and there was a really old well.So for the first few days everything went fine.My son was starting to enjoy himself there.One day my mom came to visit us and she was forcing us to move out.We had a long argument over that matter ut she just wouldn't tell us why should we move out.She just said "there's something wrong with this house and you better move out, young lady".And then she left.At that night I wasn't feeling very well.SO I went to bed earlier.At exactly 3 am i woke up and my bed started shaking.Something held me down and I couldn't move.I couldn't open my eyes either.I saw this demon face and thought it was just a nightmare and then I heard my boy David screaming.Me and my husband ran into his room and saw he was pointing at nothing and saying"this man says he wants my body".We hugged him and brought him to our room.The next day my husband left for work and the whole day I had a feeling that something was watching me.Things started moving around and that night at 3 am again my son was cryingand we saw he was missing.We ran to the front yard but couldn't find him.We went inside the forest and saw this shocking thing.We saw the devil with horns and bloody body and we could tell that it was grinning at us.But it had no eyes or maybe we couldn't just see those.He had David and he was crying.I felt so sorry for my poor baby that I started crying but I couldn't grab him from the devl and I started saying Jesus's name and the devil was shaking and sayin something or shouting.And dissappeared.We brought David inside but he couldn't talk.The next morning he was talking to himself and his eyes were glowing red he told me to get out of his room and called me a f*** Bit** and he was shaking really badly.I was shocked by his words knew something was wrong.I called my husband quickly and he brought a doctor.The doctor said something I forgot.My husband told me to call a priest and we called a priest when the doctor left.The priest performed an exorcism and said that it was on of the strongest demons.The next morning we left the house and stayed in my mom's house until we found a new house.Which is where i'm living now in peace.

  2. Ok this happened to me.

    I was home alone and it was in the morning. i was watching tv when i heard sliding hands in my bathtub.i ignored it thinking it was water leaking. soon after that i heard my shower curtains slide open! i got scared because the bathroom is right nexy to my room. i got scared so i got my dog and went downstairs. i decided to watch a movie (i watched the eye which didnt really help". i heard someone say 'dont be scared im not gonna hurt you'. i got freaked out so i ran outside to my auntss house. i told her what happened and nobody believed me. Scaryyyyyy :]

  3. Try checking out some urban legends at snopes:

    some of them may be true

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