
Does anyone have something positive and nice to say?

by Guest56770  |  earlier

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I am feeling very low and very alone at the moment. I am very anxious and would really appreciate it if someone had a good thought or comment that will make me feel a little more optimistic so I can go to sleep feeling positive.





  1. i love you?


  2. When you're alone with your thoughts,

    thank the Heavens for the Love you have shared...

    and the Love yet to be discovered.

  3. A word to the wise ain't neccessary... it's the stupid ones that need it!

    -Bill Cosby

  4. Life is a Beautiful Gift!!!!! Live it and love it. I'm sure you are a beautiful person too!! We all go through some low times, that's normal. You know what always makes me feel better.....give it a good long hard cry. Get it out. Then sit down and write a list of all the great things in your life and you will see how lucky you are.

  5. We are here but a short time, life throws them crooked

    balls at us all the time to test out our responses.

    I see all the bad so easily and have to think hard about

    the good.......but after all , it is there and no one can deny it.

    Now and then , when tested as such i wake up and do something

    for someone, somebody needing this more than i, then i feel

    great , larger than all things .....and i feel right with the world.

    S o   go to bed tonight and think of someone/ something that

    needs that special thing and have good happy dreams.

  6. Live your life for you! Enjoy every experience and learn from each one as well.  Life really is wonderful. Be light hearted and don't take anything too serious.  Laugh often!

  7. my friends kitten hisses.

    yeah.. weird. but i bet u laughed


    cheer up.


  8. 2moro my life will better than today...

    2moro my life will be happier..

    2moro I will make my dream come true..

    2moro my worries of today will gone and 2moro when I rise i will achieve most of what I hoped for the day b4.

    I hope this helps...

  9. This is what my gran always says to me..

    There is always someone in the world thinking about how much they love you.

  10. watch the music video for australia by the shins that will cheer you up

  11. before they go to sleep someone in the world always thinks about you :)

  12. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

  13. It sounds like your going through something not so good.

    Jackie Chan said "Do not let your circumstances control you, you control your circumstances" Whatevers going on, you don't have to worry about because you can control what youre feeling. A simple change in thought can make an entire day turn around. Best luck :) And remember, you can always say that what youre feeling will be over soon, it won't last forever. Think of times that you weren't feeling this way, and you know that those can happen again. It won't last forever.  

  14. Do Hugs not Drugs :D

  15. i sure do! Its my job to have positive nice things to say!!

    You are a wonderful person, you have no need to feel alone there are many people in the world who would love to be your friend :) including myself!

    send me a message if you want to chat or something :D

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