
Does anyone have spoilers for Y&R next week?

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I am looking for spoilers for next week if anyone has any. Thanks in advance!




  1. Friday, August 29th

    Nick tells Victoria that Adam has moved Heather into the Ranch.

    Sharon tells Jack not to provoke Nick. He replies, "Taking his side again?"

    Michael begins the reading of Victor's will. Adam gets the bulk of the estate and Newman Enterprises!

    Nikki is overcome with emotion! She sees Victor on the beach!

    Esther is stunned to see that her daughter Kate has turned up calling herself Chloe!

    Coming up on Monday, September 1st

    Jill tells Cane to get an annulment before Chloe/Kate can get her hooks into him any deeper!

    Nikki tells Victor that he means too much to her, she can't just leave him there! But Victor insists that he wishes to stay 'dead'!

    Adam tells Heather, "They've had everything handed to them their entire lives! I'm not sharing with them!"

    Adam is taking over! ( Up...

    The battle for Restless Style has taken on a new shade now that Nick owns the building (Victor left it to him in the Will), so how will this affect Jack's bid to take over? Check out what Phyllis's portrayer, Michelle Stafford is up to in the News Room!

    How long will Brad and Adam have to make changes at Newman? Let's just say it won't be long before a confrontation with Victor is afoot!

    Watch for Noah to play something of a catalyst role as the relationships of his parents and stepparents are tested!

    Neil seems to have realized that he has feelings for Tyra. He and Karen will have to deal with this as Tyra will return from New Hampshire sooner than expected!

    Nikki is overwhelmed to discover that Victor is indeed not washing up on the beach, but walking on it! He isn't happy to see her though, and tells her he wants to remain "dead"!

    The oldest Newman siblings will enjoy a second chance of sorts with their dad, but Adam, aka Vic Jr., is in deep doo doo - just as predicted in last week's Restless Rant Blog in the News Room!

    Chloe has a relative in Genoa City - Esther! All will be revealed as the wedding reception is about to begin!

    Billy Abbott is headed back to GC. Has he been in Hong Kong all this time? Can't wait to find out! Check out all the details in our Updated Billy News!

    Peeking into Fall

    With the Newmans believing that Victor is deceased, the drama will surround the family members struggling to cope with his absence and of course, the contents of his will!

    Looks like Daniel may be starting to develop real feelings for Colleen, even as he deals with his continued love for Amber.

    Michael continues his discovery of who his father is, and what it means for himself and his family. Lauren, meanwhile, finds out that River has left the Ashram!

    Ashley Abbott is due back in Genoa City permanently - imagine the storyline possibilities!

    Y&R is set to do a taping in Paris for the program's first-ever on-location shoot in France. While the specific actors participating in the Parisian story line are yet to be confirmed, the week of filming is scheduled for October 2008. The on-location shoot precedes the series' upcoming 20th anniversary of airing in France!

  2. Adam seizes the reins at Newman Enterprises.

    Adam appoints a new CEO.

    Jack and Sharon are shocked by Nick and Phyllis' article.

    Ana receives and accepts a tempting offer.

    Neil asks Tyra not to move.

    Nick arrives in Mexico.

    Cane and Chloe elope.

    Victor's will is revealed.

    Nikki collapses.

    Spoilers for down the road: Fall preview  

    The Young and the Restless goes to Paris for an exciting on-location story.

    The turmoil at Restless Style continues.

    The Newmans cope with Victor's "death," but they'll have more coping to do when they learn he isn't dead.

    Michael and his father's relationship continues to develop.

    Lies and secrets are revealed that will shake up Cane, Chloe, and Lily.

    Daniel immerses himself in his work, as well as a new potential love.

    The End for Jack and Sharon?  Jack and Sharon’s marriage takes a hit when the war at Restless Style between them and Nick and Phyllis heats up.  The trouble begins when the new shipments of the next issue of the magazine arrive and they find an article written about “The Real Jack Abbott.”  Sharon and Jack conclude that Nick wrote it to get back at Jack for the malicious story about Sabrina.  Phyllis and Nick decide it is time for some payback and write a tell-all about the infighting at the magazine.  The article doesn’t paint Sharon in a positive light either.  Jack is furious since they decided to be really low and tear into Sharon, but slowly realizes that it will get them a lot of attention and decides not to kill it.  Jack plays up the feud to the press and then suggests that Sharon write an expose about Victor.  Phyllis is incensed when she overhears Nick and Sharon sharing an intimate phone conversation and tells Sharon to stay away from Nick.  Later, Nick and Jack get into a heated argument over the magazine and Sharon becomes involved.  Sharon jumps in and defends Nick.  

  3. Victor is back

  4. I havent got them yet but Tomorrow (Friday) afternoon I should have them. I have the Sneak Peak Spoilers for 2 Weeks and I am going to post them in just a minute.

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