
Does anyone have the ability to levitate an object or yourself? Can this actually be achieved?

by  |  earlier

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Awk, I don't do the Youtube thing.

I would just like to know if anyone has ever tried & what were their experiences with it.




  1. I studied on it several months.  For a while I thought I might succeed, but never managed it.

    I don't know whether any human being can do it.  My inclination is to believe they can't.

  2. To levitate an object the force of gravity needs to be canceled out with an opposing force. If you are referring to telekinesis then I doubt it.

  3. Only in the movies.

    There are yogi's or mystics that claim

    to do this while sitting cross-legged.

    The rest of the planet calls this "hopping

    up and down while sitting on your butt."

    (There's probably a youtube video

    out there somewhere showing these guys.)

    It's not levitating.

  4. i have been able to bend spoons. however can't reveal the secret because the world is not ready to do good and not bad with the power. i must say that levitating a object is easier than bending objects and some people forget how to levitate if they reveal the secret

  5. I've done it all the time, but it usually involves a tool such as a forklift or my arm.

  6. One time my son raised up (levitated) while asleep on his bed. I had to push him back down.I had to push hard. I think there was a spirit raising him up. A psychic had lived in the house.

    You might be interested in this..although you might already know about it.

    It's about a saint who is said to have levitated.

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