
Does anyone have the balls to have me a game of chess?

by  |  earlier

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username karljt




  1. No thank you.

  2. I played for Liverpool, haha.

    No joke, I did... no it was Lancashire

    I'd play, but pc slow ;/

    Maybe another time

  3. i think your on the wrong game chess doesnt use balls

  4. no, ur da man

  5. cant play it but thanks for the 2 points

  6. yer let me kick your A R S E

  7. When I have time I will hunt you down and crush you like the bug you are.

    What time control will you be losing at?

  8. If you play chess as badly as you use the english language than it would not be worth my time.

  9. Ummmmmmmmmm. Sorry got no wotsits.

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