
Does anyone have the best hangover treatment?

by Guest60480  |  earlier

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just wondering if anyone could give me any tips about avoiding a hangover in the morning. Thanks.




  1. Drink warm beer from a dirty ash tray the following morning

  2. drinking doesnt cause hangovers. . . waking up does . . . so dont wake up hehehe

  3. b vitamins are good, soda for some reason and lots of water will help you

  4. Try some V8 juice in the morning.  It doesn't taste good, especially if you have a hangover...but if you can get it down you'll really feel better.

  5. Drink water before going to bed.

    Drop a berroca in a glass before crashing it will be nice and dissolved by the time you wake up.  Leave it in the fridge its even more horrible at room temperature.

    Drink lots of iced soda water.

    Keep cool.

    Peppermint chewing gum will help settle the stomach (anything with peppermint will do the job actually)

    Panadol for headaches, and vegemite toast.

  6. Drink c**p loads of water before you go to bed as a preventative which helps rehydrate you!!!!!!

    and Vegemite on toast, hair of the dog. and the most important one is TIME!!!

  7. that getting back on it/ hair of the dog / start drinking again/...

    is not very effective.. they have done studies and have proven it doesnt work...

    i feel that being well hydrated the night before.. eating a good meal in the morning.. and i always have mineral water on deck...

  8. Miso soup and panadol

  9. What i do especially when i go into work really hung over is a eat a really light meal like a couple of onion rings or something so that my stomach doesnt feel so messed up. then i take a couple of aspirin to help any head ache i have. then you smoke a little bit of weed and drink water untill enough time passes and then you feel fine man.

  10. drink green tea

  11. Drink 2-3 glasses of water before bed, a hangover is from dehydration so the water stops that. Make sure you eat before you drink it will help. also you can take a vitamin B tablet, alcohol takes out the vitamin B from your body. Have a good night.

  12. Drink one large glass of water (for dehydration) and one large glass of gatorade/powerade/athletic beverage (for electrolytes and some sugar). It may be easier to handle if it's slightly warm, and don't replace water with a drink containing alcohol in this step!

    Make a nice, hot bowl of chicken soup, as soon as you have overcome the queasiness. This soup will help replace the salt and potassium, the body loses salt and potassium when you have been drinking.

    Get Clean- take a shower, brush your teeth, etc. being and FEELING clean will do wonders

    Get moving. Though you'll want to stay in bed, take a quick walk around your street. A walk by the sea is thought to be especially helpful, possibly because of the fresh air, or the calming ocean sound. You could even take your dog who has had hardly any sleep all night, because you came back around 3am, talking at the top of your voice.

    Fruit can help restore nutrition, especially bananas, which contain potassium.

    Drink some sort of fruit juice, it contains simple sugar fructose, which speeds up the metabolism of alcohol.

    [edit] TipsOne trick to try - remember to drink a glass of water for every 1 or 2 drinks.

    NOTE: Excessive water intake in a small time frame can kill you. If you drink a half a case of beer, do not chug 18 Cups of water. Incorporate juices or sports beverages into your hydration plan. (See Warnings Section)

    Do not take ibuprofen or Tylenol before going to bed. These drugs are activated and metabolized by the liver which, while busy processing the alcohol in your blood, can be damaged by the drugs.

    Drinking lots of liquid or replenishing drinks such as Gatorade before falling asleep can help you avoid dehydration, which is a major contributor to a hangover. (Grape juice is not recommended, however. It's rough coming back up.)

    Hangovers are due to the loss of vitamins/nutrients in the body. To reduce this, try to take some multi-vitamins before you go to bed and once again when you wake up. And drink water...lots of water.

    If you find that you can not keep anything down, wait about an hour after you vomit to give your stomach time to settle. Then nibble on saltine crackers and sip Vernors or any other ginger ale. Works every time!

    Waking up in the morning miserable and sprinting for the toilet is never fun. Drink two tablets of Alka Seltzer with water, it will ease the nausea as well as squash a pounding head ache. Then take a nap; you'll feel much better!

    Try eating a cracker or an english muffin with honey before you retire for the night. The high fructose level in the honey will break down the alcohol in your blood, allowing it to be processed more quickly.

    Eat a breakfast sandwich! They work wonders, if it contains eggs. Eggs contain enzymes that combat the toxic by-products of alcohol being metabolized by the liver.

    Try to get as much sleep as posible-- your body will thank you.

    Eating a Peanut Butter Sandwich before you start drinking can be very helpful-- it tastes the same going down as it does coming back up.

    [edit] WarningsEven without treatment, a hangover should last no more than 24 hours. If you're still feeling bad after that, call a doctor. Of course, if you can't remember what happened while you were drinking, or if you get hangovers on a regular basis, you may have a drinking problem. Call your doctor to discuss treatment options.

    Avoid taking too much pain reliever - it may possibly thin your blood more than it's good for you!

    Expect to get up in the middle of the night for a nice long pee after drinking all that water.

    The "Hair of the Dog" approach or drinking more alcohol in the morning has been shown to be ineffective at curing the root problems and could well be a shortcut to long term alcoholism. - it's best avoided.

    Don't take Tylenol! The combination of alcohol and Tylenol causes liver damage. You can seriously fry your liver if you take Tylenol when you have alcohol in your system.

    Try not to get a hangover in the first place! Drink carefully and responsibly, and hopefully you'll never have to use these tips.

    It should be noted that excessive consumption of water can lead to hyponatremia (extremely low salt levels in the body), which can kill you. As little as 2 quarts of water consumed at one time can cause this. It would be best to use both water and sport drinks, so electrolyte levels are maintained.

    [edit] Things You'll NeedWater

    Dinner before/during drinking & breakfast in the morning.




  13. get back on it !!!!

    if not, make sure you drink gallons of water before bed, the dehydration is the killer

  14. a good way to avoid a hangover is not drink. :P

    i have never had a hangover personally but if you drink the same amount of water as you have alcohol then its supose to work. also another thing to try is if you eat bread cuz its supose to absorb it. theres also anti-hangover pills that you take prior to drinking. idk if it works or not though i just know they exist. (eat)

  15. 300g/11oz ripe tomatoes choped

    5ml/1 tsp of tabasco or worcestershire sauce

    5ml/1 tsp of lemon juice

    crushed ice

  16. Honey, water and asprin.  It works.

  17. you could drink a beer in the morning when you wake up or befor you go to bed drink lots of water bro my cuzzin big shim boss taught me that it works everytime bro

  18. I have the best one....DON'T DRINK AND YOU WONT HAVE ONE...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Dont drink the night before.(joking)

    Dont over do it,

    make sure you have plenty to eat and drink water between drinks.  Make sure you have a drink of water/milk before you go to bed.

  20. Hair of the dog, or dont go to bed tonight

  21. Drink water and take tyonel. That's all I can say, besides not drinking to the point of a hang over

  22. just drink water in between drinks, but dont overload yourself with water when you haven't in the night and are totally pissed.  Thats actually dangerous, internal drowning.  So moderate water intake.

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