
Does anyone have the clear converse??

by  |  earlier

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do u like them?

are they worth buying??


= ]




  1. no, but a guy friend of mine has them and everyone thinks they're wicked cool ! you can show off cute or funky socks, and will definitely get a lot of attention! love them.

  2. Yes

    they are free so it's worth buying

    invisible converse!

    so nobody can see your fashion mistakes!

  3. i hate them i think shoes that you can not see through are actually the ones worth buying but if you want somthing of that style go for the sparley ones now those are great and i'm not just saying that cause i'm like a girl :]

  4. i don't

    but i know someone who does and

    when its hot and if you don't wear socks with it the insides look gross :(

    with socks it looks really cool though but you should have cool socks

    so i say yes they are :)

  5. i heard that they are not good because you can see when your feet sweat and because the plastic rubs against your skin and gives you blisters

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