
Does anyone have the instructions for the Game WOUAF-WOUAF?

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It is a french game from JUMBO for kids aged 3+.

A game about Dogs that helps kids learn to count.




  1. No joy on finding instructions, but one user on BoardGameGeek lists the game as owned, perhaps you could ask him if you can get a copy or a run-down of the instructions? entry for Wouaf-Wouaf:

    Owners of Wouaf-Wouaf:


    Hold up... I found a run-down of the game in Dutch, so here's a very basic overview that's been run through a machine translator:

    Mummy dog sits on top of its dogouse and 12 bones has hidden in the garden. Its 4 puppies try each as soon as possible three bud out of the appropriate colour to retrieve. This game has been developed especially for the children: game mechanism and attractiveness have been coordinated on 3-year-olds. The die was replaced by a mechanical push button which hid zit in the doghouse. The player to turn pushes on the doghouse and mummy dog barks 1, 2, or 3 times. This barking stipulates the number of fields then the player then can progress. (The players must pay attention therefore well and really count!) On the field where the puppy end up, he sniffs to the bone. A magnet levies the bone then automatic on as a result of which the colour becomes below the bone visible. A bone with the correct colour can be laid directly in its own box. Bud out with another colour are put back. Simple and pleasantly for the provided target group.



  2. No I don't.

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