
Does anyone have this probelm?

by Guest33363  |  earlier

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Everytime I talk to either a friend or family member, most of the time they are always talking about their kids. I get soooo annoyed by this. Do parents even realize that they talk a lot about their children? I have a beautiful son who I love very much, but i don't bring him up at every phone call. Does any one feel the same way as i do?




  1. yea i do as i have a son and daughter but i wouldn't bring them up in every conversation though as much as i love them both with all my heart

  2. There's nothing to annoy about it as long as they don't say that theirs are better than yours.  I even have a friend who often say that her children behave and mine don't because she knows how to control them from childhood and I don't.

    Just ignore it and don't let it ruin your friendship because there are always something good in them besides this.

  3. My kid's just so much a part of my life that he's involved in my every day and every thing so naturally i mention him quite a lot!

    Plus i'm a new mum - he's only 15 weeks old! x

  4. Sometimes.  I have friends who are always taking about their work .  That is also annoying.  But if that is what is important in their life then that is what they talk about.  Your friends kids are important so they talk about them.  Your son is obviously not as important to you as their kids are to them.  Or maybe you talk more about your son than you think you do.

  5. I feel the same way, but instead of my friends talking about there kid, they wont shut up about there little brother or sister.

    for instance: i told a friend that i wanted to go see a movie this weekend, then my friends was saying stuff ,like, "oh, my little sister wants to go see wall-e." and stuff like that. Sometime it gets on my nerves. Trust me,, you are not alone on this. :D

  6. A parents heart,and mind is wrapped around the most amazing gift/s in the world.You will understand one day if you ever have your own children,so if you cant take it keep your trap shut.You will do the same thing when you have your own someday,and will regret saying anything about it.

  7. Absolutely!

  8. I guess some people are just more up their kid's a**'s than others! Mostly I do agree with you, i have a few friends who are always in competition with you about how better their kid is than yours! Unfortunately I think its funny, cuz their kids are morons, literally, if mommy loved you so much, she wouldn't have drank and did drugs while she was pregnant with you! lol I guess we just are different that way!

  9. I have a family member like that! It can be annoying when it'ss excessive.  But sadly, some people get their self worth from their kids and their kids' accomplishments.

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