
Does anyone have thoughts on why most atheist are so good?

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at grammar but still can not read the writing on the wall?

You think it might be they only see what they want to see? Or do you think its true, that for the most part they have been blinded by previous choices that they have made and a continuing effort to ignore the call of the spirit?




  1. Do you think Christians mouths are as clean as the verbal diarrhoea that comes out of them?

    There is no writing on the wall for us to read, if anything you are the one who is blinded by being force fed lies all of your life.

    It's not our fault that you cannot see life how it really is and choose to lie to yourself.

    Take your bible and self-righteous nonsense and shove it somewhere that the sun doesn't shine.

  2. How can atheists ignore something that is not there?

  3. Prophet, what does the writing on the wall say?

    "You think it might be they only see what they want to see?"

    LMAO  Stop projecting.

  4. "...only see what they want to see..."

    Funny, I always thought that described believers. Silly me.

  5. It doesn't matter why, they've made their choice so leave it be. Worry about yourself before God.

  6. Wait.  Did God personally tell you himself or herself that he exists?  Or were you influenced by your parents, peers and church at a young enough age to assist you in making religion an important part of your life?  I'd rather enjoy this life a lot more than listen to a preacher and a book that has been rewritten over 100 times.  Enjoy the afterlife!

  7. * bangs head on desk *

    What writing on what wall?  Is this another attempt to make us "see" that the bible is true because it says so in the bible?

  8. i agree, i think they just don't want to accept the truth, its easy to find God they just haven't looked

  9. Yeah, now that you mention it, I've always wondered why educated people don't think the same way that everyone else does.  Someone should look into that.

  10. We are so good at grammar because we paid attention in school. We cannot 'read the writing on the wall' because it doesn't exist.

    Also, writing on walls is usually littered with errors.

  11. I like artful graffiti, not scribbling on the wall.

  12. Pssst - the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.  You don't have to keep pretending to see what isn't there.

  13. They have the ability to recognize that the 'writing on the wall" is a delusion.

  14. Thank you for crediting our skills in grammar. I've noticed that many atheists on this board can write well.

    I have never seen evidence for "the call of the spirit," as you put it. There is no reason for me to believe in gods. I believe that religious people believe in a god due to religious and cultural reasons. They "see what they want to see."

  15. I don't see the writing on the wall because, as Buddhists (atheists) we do not have walls.  Walls are an imposed limitation on your mind.  If you knock down the walls (read as Open Your Mind) perhaps you can experience the joy and happiness that so many of us do.

    To be free you must get rid of the walls and other limitations you have imposed on yourself and that others have imposed on you. If there are no walls to write on, then no one can impose limits on you, unless of course you want them to.

  16. Your religious arrogance is tiresome. Your belief that you are somehow superior because you believe in a mythical 'god' is annoying. Yes, we write more fluently because most of us are the beneficiaries of good educations... something you might wish to emulate. We also use the furnished spell checker. Try it. You'll like it.

  17. well most atheists have this believe that the world is a better place without the believe of God, that it opens your eyes to make better choices. to me Atheists are as blinded as many other religions, i don't see the difference. they can only think of the good will of man, trying to believe that man will do this and that if given the chance without the knowledge of God. I think they live in a make believe world, i can't even start to think how can man make a better place without having to actually take people's freedom. think about it, what's a better world to control population if everyone thinks that is okay to kill embryos. they never actually mention what you have to give up if you live in a world of atheists, they like to sell their ideas in the good will of man that everyone is good and that we will elect good people and that people will always have good morals. atheist to me are liars and blinded ignorants another form of religion that idolize MAN.  

  18. There's none so blind as those who will not see - and it's not me who believes in something  for which there is not and has never been any evidence.

    Just what is this "call of the spirit" nonsense anyway?  Are you sure you don't have heartburn?

  19. It's atheists, my friend. And perhaps it is YOU who is blinded by past choices or you're willfully ignoring the call of Vishnu, or Allah, or Odin.  

  20. The only place where I've seen "writing on the wall" was when I was visiting you in the Ghetto!

  21. Oh I see what you did there...*clap**clap*

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