
Does anyone have tips for high school! PLEASE!?

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I'm starting high school on tuesday...

and I'm really scared! Its a school of 2000 students.

I'm in basically all of my classes with my boyfriend...

and I have a big fear of presenting in front of the class.





  1. The kids in your classes are just like you. They are scared and nervous, too, but they get up and speak because they want to get a good grade. Your goals are more important than anything else. Do you want to go to college? If so, you have to do your best to get there. Everything is hard the first couple of times you do them but then it gets easier. Don't be a coward. Step up to the plate and deliver.

  2. Don't draw too much attention too yourself i suppose.

    Also, don't try to be everyone's friend, because it usually won't work.

  3. Dont trip! B happy u have all ur classes with ur bf.... i wish i had all my classes with my gf...... well ne ways trust me im a senior in high school and its not bad at all, its basically like middle school..... my high school has 3000 students...... its not bad like movies or TV shows make it seem.... its pretty normal.... dont worry about ne thing trust me i would b SO happy 2 have classes with my gf...... get used 2 presenting cause u do it about 1 or 2 times a year.... not that bad just b confident and b kewl up there and make sure ur prepared so it comes naturally... hope this helps!

  4. just think, ur not the only one that is scared. probably most freshmans are feeling how you are feeling

  5. ohh goshh then d0nt go to class on that dayyy !  

  6. just relax... take deep breaths. Just have confidence and try not to let your nervousness show. I mean its easier said than done but trust that eventually you'll start to feel comfortable. Dont freak out. Everything will be fine. You have your bf there by your side and thats a good thing.

  7. only 2000 kids? lucky.

    my middle school had more then that.

    my highschool has 9000 kids.

    idk why people are afraid of highschool. what is there to be afraid of? theyre just people. its like going to the mall except yu have to sit in a class with kids yur age with 10-15 minutes between each class.

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