
Does anyone have tips on teaching 3.5 year old twins to swim?

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I'm trying to figure out a way (other than paying out the nose for swim lessons) to teach my 3.5 year old twins to swim. One twin is already doing fairly well, but could use some pointers. The other REFUSES to get in the pool without her life vest. Hubby is offshore now, but will be home in 6 weeks. When he gets home, he'll definitely be able to help, but at this point, it's just me and two anxious swimmers. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!




  1. take it slow. start in a little pool. there is no hurry, they dont HAVE to swim now, try workinig with one at a time and give lots of praise.

    good luck.

  2. I learned before I  could walk.. I was dropped in (supervised) and  basically taught myself.. but my mom was 2 when she learned and she remembers being dropped in the ocean pretty far out with her father in the boat right there to make sure she didnt drown and she taught herself too.. just tell them to move their arms and feet.

  3. I feel your PAIN! When I signed up my youngest for swim lessons she "choke hold" the teacher. So I have been getting in with her and just playing. I suggest what I have done with my two. (not quite the same but age 3 and 5) I have put a swim belt on my oldest who like yours does OK but could use pointers and gave my youngest a noodle. Start out holding on to the child with the noodle between you and him. If he will jump in let him placing the noodle so that it goes under his arms when he jumps in the water. My little one did this for weeks and has just now in the last week figured out that "the noodle hold me up!" Just keep working at it, it will come. And the suggestion of going to a shallow pool is excellent. They are twins but remember they are different children. Your non-swimmer will come around with help, and maybe without. I highly suggest keeping up the water play though, you don't want a child who can't handle the water. And big deal if he won't get in without a vest. eventually he/she will. Just give 'em time. Good luck!

  4. You should sign up for a swimming class that's what helped my son when he was 3 they basically get him used to the water and go from there.

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