I recently went to a stamp work shop and paid $15.00. A demonstrator from "Stampin Up co. showed us how to make a card that we can take at home also give me an idea of how to earn money working doing this stuff and at the same time paying for your hobby. It was all ok until I came across Kaszass who does the same thing but charges less to join cost $250 where as Stampin up cost $300 'til 15th of Aug. then will be back to $325.00 after the promo ends. It's hard to compare the product that comes with the kit when you join because Stampinup doesn't itemized the prizes of each products like Kaszazz does. It even gets more confusing because Kaszazz doesn't have Conpensation Plan were as Stampin Up does so it gets harder to compair. Then there is Demonstrator incentive a freebee when you join Kaszazz plus is an Aussie Co. but Stampin up is not. Maybe it will help you can check out the website of each of them by going to http://www.kaszazz.com/. I want to do this because I can use this to help fund raise for the disadvantage children like the one that I already donating to "Robinns' Nest" and I can only help them when I make money because my husband is the only one who is earning money and I don't want to put pressure on him to work even harder to pay for my hobby so if I earn money doing the thing I enjoy, I'm happy and he's happy. Bear in mind that the Stampin Up lady who will be my up line will be movin to Melborne where us Kaszazz is staying put and will only take 30 mins trip to travel plus she said I can borrow all of the products that I need, (both of them said that). If you're on my position, base on the info I give which one would you join? Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated. God Bless you. Chloe