
Does anyone here actually believe in?

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the greek god cause if you do lmao




  1. there's only one?

    i could have sworn there's more than that..

  2. the greek gods? sure, but they're dead now....

  3. They are as real as any gods or goddesses. If you choose not to believe, that's up to you, but what part of "lmao" did you think wasn't offensive to those who do?

  4. I do, at least to the point where I believe that all gods and goddesses are spects of the one god and goddess. That is, I believe, they exist, but they are the one ina different form.

  5. I believe in the greek Gods and Goddesses.  I believe in them because polythesim makes a lot more sense to me than monothesim.  I believe the source that created us emcompases all things in this world and that the different gods and goddesses represent different parts of that whole.

    I also believe you are rude for laughing at someone else's beliefs.

    EDIT: It's hard to not be offended with the "lmao" comment at the end.  I get ridiculed enough for my beliefs and I don't take kindly to remaks like that.  If you are apologizing, I'll accept.

  6. i think you mean greek gods, but no

    might as well be an atheist instead haha its just as bad

  7. You mean the Greek Gods?


    EDIT: No, I don't.

    But I still find Greek Mythology extremely interesting.

  8. Actually, some people still DO believe in Greek Gods and Goddesses.  People still also believe in Roman Gods and Goddesses .. and in all the other Gods and Goddesses of all the cultures of mankind, like Celtic and Norse/Germanic Gods and Goddesses.  We're called Pagans and/or Heathens, and there are a LOT of us.  My favourites are the Celtic Gods and Goddesses, the deities my ancestors worshipped.

    I'm actually more of a Pantheistic Pagan, however.  I believe that everything is part of an infinite "Force" that people often call God or any of the different names of Gods and Goddesses ... Greek, Celtic, African, Chinese, Indian, etc.  So, I think that all the different Gods and Goddesses, including the biblical God, are just different personifications of different aspects of the infinite Force that permeates the Universe.  I don't think there is some tangible Goddess dressed like Stevie Nicks wandering around in a misty forest any more than I believe in the biblical God looking down and judging everyone from some "heaven" up in the sky, but I sure do prefer the concept of the Stevie Nicks Goddess in the forest, and so I give that concept more energy.  The concept thus exists within that infinite Force (what ISN'T part of infinity?) so all the Gods and Goddesses exist as part of that infinite force.

    Well, I guess everyone reading this is human, but there are many energies beyond those of us who are only human.  

    There are so many possibilities for what might exist beyond the scope of what we can easily perceive that it makes no sense to me to abandon all possibility of paranormal stuff existing in some other plain of perception.

  9. no ones really believed that for a 1000 years

    but if ppl do they must be like alantics or something

  10. which one lol

  11. There is a group known as Novus Roma which has brought back the Roman religion, which is essentially the same as the Greek. They even performed one of the festivals of the Vestal Virgins recently. So there are some people that believe it.

  12. i don't believe in greek god, but some people do. especially people in greece

  13. I follow woden, and the viking gods, who still live in the hearts of all scandinavians.

  14. Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!

    one Goddess amongst many.

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