
Does anyone here blog a lot? If so, where?

by  |  earlier

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I have redone my space with MSN and starting all over with Blogger. I am really not the blogging type to share my life with the world. I am just trying to boost my rankings at Associated Content so I can make more money.

I guess I still am more old fashioned than what I thought I was.




  1. I don't.... but anyway........

  2. I do, on 360.

  3. I used to blog right here on Yahoo360.

    I have not bloged lately, I have not really had the time.... I do have a lot of personal experiences I should be writing about.... So perhaps sometime this weekend I will do some entries.

    All my past entries are still posted there, you can feel free to check them out.

  4. I blog on 360 ...

  5. ummm i had one a while back...forget where....i never posted ne thing on's called lovesgod.......

  6. I do.  Do you ?

    Haven't posted anything for a while, it's called Travel Blog, something like that. I forget. I wrote about a trip with a friend to a nude beach.

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