
Does anyone here hate their parents?

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  1. No, I don't. Hate is a very strong term and a very destructive emotion. I may hate what someone has done, but that doesn't mean I still can't love the person.

  2. Of  course not, my mother supported me thru my life and still does. She backs me up and gives me advice on everything.

    I help her with everything I can.

    She is my best friend for life.

  3. yes. my son and daughter in their 30;s hate us so bad that they haven't come home to see us in 11 months.  why? we don't know.  they won't talk to us.  we were always perfect parents and their daddy has been paralyzed for 26 years.  we think they are jealous of their sister.  some kids just grow up to be bad i guess.  hope you don't.

  4. My alcoholic Mother who abused me.

  5. Only kids who want their own way normally.But there are cases where the parent or parents abuse the kids .

  6. No, because they are all I have because I have no TRUE friends and my siblings REALLY don't like me:(  So if I don't have good relationships with friends, or a good relationship with my brother or sister, all I have is my mom, dad, and dog.

  7. Nope! I mean sure I get mad and think I do. Then I end up coming bad to normal and loving them again (they just don't know that lol).  

  8. My Dad, yes. Because he made me grow up around drugs and violence, I also watched him beat up my Mum for years. He put me in hospital after he gave me a 'seeing to' and we haven't spoken to him since.

    But my Mum, I love her more than anything. I could never hate her.

  9. I think at some point or another we all hate our parents and it's usually because we don't see what they see.When my mom put me out years ago I hated her for it because I realized that she was the only one that I could count on and with her out of my life it was hard for me and I didn't see and understand why she was doing what she did but after a few months I realized that she was making a man out of me and I truly love her for that because now that I have kids I now see what she see's.

  10. my dad yes!! my brother is 3 years older then me he is 16 and when he was little my dad once hit him so hard he feel off the bed! i dont remember coz i was a new born baby but ive been told and im now 13 and i have found out that my dad has cheated on my mum 4 times and got one girl pregnent and he used to go around hurting people but that beating part isnt his fault his mum (my nan) was a phyco who hit my dad and she pinned my mum up againt the wall with a nife so my uncle(dads brother) had to come in and hit my nan over the head to make her stop! my dad and mum have been split up now for over 2 years and i hate my dads girl friend and my dad stopped seeing me until i agreed to see him with tess! i won and have seen my dad since for the first time in half a year i have never seen my dad beat people or my brother but i have seen him so mad he has smashed up our house my dad has changed and never gets angree and he says his heart breaks to see how much his little girl is scared of him he still is scary and i still fight with him but at the end of it all he is my dad and i love him but i hate him still but he will never no! and it breaks my heart to hate my dad who i love it sounds strange i cant explan it i now suffer from depression because of how horrid my life has been i would not wish this sort of pain apone my worst enimime! i love my mum she has been there for me forever she is my bestest friend and im sorry for what my dad put her through and i will love her forever im lucky that way!

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