
Does anyone here have a child with Down syndrome or know someone with it?

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hi, well im doing a project about Down syndrome and if any of you have or know someone with it, can you please tell me how you think bout it? Difficulties, good things about it, and how it is to be a parent with it? please answer! thankyou =]




  1. I am friends with a couple of people that have Down Syndrome and both of them work for a living. And one of them is also married.

    I am also friends with other people who have children with Down Syndrome.

    One of the difficulties in having a child with Down Syndrome is that people with Down Syndrome and their parents deal with various stereotyped viewpoints that mainstream society has about people with Down Syndrome.

    Here is a website that you will find useful.

    National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)

    ***The 1 does belong in the website address.***

  2. my friend's younger sister has down syndrome

  3. son has down syndrome he is 4 yrs old. what I think about down syndrome? big deal, because first and foremost he is our son...he just happens to have an extra chromosome. Nickie still learns, laughs, loves, and plays and that is what all kids do...and yes, he can be naughty at times too. I always have to chuckle at people when they learn Nickie has down syndrome the first words out of their mouths is they are "sooooo sweet".....yes he is, BUT he is also a little terror at times (typical of his age) and he is stubborn as heck, and can throw a marvelous temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way!  Nickie may be 4 yrs old but at this point in his life, but  he is developementaly around 2 1/2 yrs old so right now we are in the terrible twos and threes. He is cnsidered to be nonverbal which means he doesn't really talk (he says some words but know where near what he should at this age...and that is where "his" delay is....each child is different so I have met kids with DS that can talk your ear but have delays in gross motor and fine motor developement it all varies with each kid)

    the most diifcult part about raising a child with DS is dealing with strangers who do not know my son and think he should be institutionalized (like they did in the "old" days) and those who would make fun of him just because he is different when in fact he is better than them because he doesn't know what the word hate and predijuice is...he accepts everyone he meets with an open heart....not easy to say about most people in this world today. as for any other difficulties, shoot it is like raising any other "typical" child we have our good days and our bad days. what I will mention though...since having him we as a family have learned quite a bit..the biggest one being acceptance. he has taught us to look past a "disability" to the person underneath and to really get to know them. to us our son is not defined by down syndrome...that is just something he has, he is defined by who he is....a beautiful little boy who is the joy and sunshine of my heart (even on days when he is at his and I wouldn't change a single thing about him!

  4. Over 16 years ago, I used to work with someone that had Down Syndrome and they are some of sweetest people you will ever meet.

    It depends on the severity. I've known people that had Down Syndrome and lived full lives and I've also known people that had Down Syndrome and they had little muscle tone, slurred speech, mentality levels never developed past the age of 5, and they were not accepted by their peers either. I say this because the former supervisor that we had together use to pick this poor guy all the time until me and another co-worker of mine that I had at the time got up in this supervisor's face threatening to whip his *ss if he didn't leave the poor kid alone.

    I don't have any children but if I had to pick a child with Down Syndrome or a child that thinks they can do whatever they pleases and they stay in trouble because of this attitude, I much rather have a child with Down Syndrome. With the right training and the right atmosphere, these children can accomplish almost anything.

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