
Does anyone here have any stories of quiet people?

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They say the quiet unpopular kids in high school are the ones who grow up to be known and inspirational and rich and happy and all that. Or quiet mysterious kids are the ones to watch out for. Anyone truly have any stories of ppl liike that? i need some inspiration i wanna be like that.




  1. Doing or Being or Aspiring to something is cool; just remember that WHY you do/be/aspire to things is AS IMPORTANT as the doing/being/aspiring itself.

    Doing the "right thing" for the wrong reason is still doing the wrong thing!

  2. I'm a quiet person

    I always thought it was wrong when I was younger. I used to think I was pathetic, anti-social, rejected.

    Little did I know, having that 3rd eye perspective made me out to be a better person than I could ever have been if I was someone else.

    If I was "popular", I would never know half the truth about life I know now. I wouldn't know GOD. I would be another blind "Christian". I wouldn't be able to see through the lies of the world. I wouldn't be able to clearly see the bullshit fed to us every day by the media and government. I'd be another sheeple and slave to society.

    I prefer to listen, absorb, and learn. People often reject me because I'm quiet. Little do they know the extremely deep dialogue in my mind breaking down every thought and situation down to the basics and building it back up based on the truth.

    Last but not least, GOD is quiet.

    Love is quiet.

    Hate is loud.

    Do your own thing, and find the perfection in truth.

    There is always someone out there who will clique up with your personality. They will see the deeper person within. Probably won't find these people until after you get out of school.

    #1 thing... don't let other kids' opinion distract you from life, truth, and learning. The only opinion in the world that matters is your own and GOD's. You can't trust any human being to tell you what is right and what is wrong. Only you can do that through GOD's truth delivered to us infinitely and everywhere.

  3. There was this kid named robby. Everyone picked on him. ONe day one of the (So we thought) toughest kids in the school said something to Robby and robby went beserck. This fool (robby) beat the mess out of the "tough kid" we were all so surprised and everyone gave robby special treatment because everyone was scared of the little crazy.

    There was also this quiet kid named Anthony. He was goth. He sat in the back of my math class right next to me. He was so quiet it was scary. One day i asked him what does he think about. He told me he was always thinking about setting off bombs at school to kill teachers. So i had a choice to make.....tell on him and risk him killing me in the darkness of night.(plus im not a snitch) .....or not he told me his plan to be carried was seriously flawed, so i gave him tips and directions so that his plan would be most effective. He thanked me and told me he would warn me the day before he set the bombs, so that i wouldn't come to school that day.......

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