
Does anyone here have friends or relatives in Louisiana? I'm pretty nervous for my friend?

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(Not sure why some of my questions never show up on the questions page, so I apologise if this is the second time you saw this)

My good friend lives in Larose. Her and her 3 little kids are evacuating today due to the hurricane. She's so afraid she'll lose the house and I'm very nervous about what they'll come home to, also.

I guess the best I could do was to offer our home to her if they need a place to stay (I live in Indiana and she does like it here) But the loss her and her kids could experience... And all the other scared families...

I feel like there's nothing else I can do for them other than asking you to keep all these families in your thoughts. I'm not sure how else to handle the anxiety I've been feeling for them.

From what I've heard- this hurricane will be just as bad as Katrina.




  1. Yes, i share your pain, my good friends moved to new orleans about 6 years ago and they experienced katrina and lost a lot of their values. I feel bad for them and helped them out but other than that your doing a great job and we can't do anything else but to pray and hope it isn't as bad.

  2. I live in Louisiana and it looks like Gustav won't be so bad. Just pray the hoodlums do not come out again after the power goes out. The levees look good this time so maybe we will luck out this time.

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