
Does anyone here have social anxiety?

by  |  earlier

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I suffer from a little of it. actually, I find it nerve-wracking to be in lectures, small classrooms, waiting rooms, places like that. In general, I'm fine with every other place though. I THINK what I have is mildish social anxiety. I failed my 2nd year of college at one stage cos I couldn't attend lectures. I then attended a hypnotherapist and went on tablets for a year to attend lectures. I'm fine now, I completed the course and then did a masters. But I'm wondering if anyone here has it, and how they suffer with it?

I'm starting a new course next week and am worried it'll crop up again, which no doubt it will.




  1. HAHA! So many people have social anxiety! Most don't voice it though for obvious social anxiety reasons. I have it fairly bad. I sometimes take Ativan when I feel especially panicky or anxious. It works wonders. :)

  2. My best friend has this real bad. She used to get all sweaty and feeling sick. It wasn't just in social situations ,it was all the time.

    She had to take tablets for it.

    BUT. She got over it. She is fine now.


  3. I think a better question would be, Who doesn't have social anxiety.

  4. I have anxiety problems and I take Lexapro. I saw a counselor for a while, about 6 months or so, to deal with this problem as well as severe depression. Now, I'm going back to school and can walk through Wal-mart again without freaking out!

  5. I have social anxiety problems too. I have been treating this naturally by journaling my feelings and by writing what I want to change in my behavior. Each day I try to overcome a small feat of social problems. This has worked really well for me.

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