
Does anyone here have sufficient knowledge of Earth Science??

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I have a couple of sample multiple choice questions that I need help with.

A. The greatest difference in seasons would occur on a planet that has

(1) a circular orbit

(2) a slightly elliptical orbit

(3) its axis of rotation perpendicular to the plane of its orbit around the sun

(4) its axis of rotation inclined 45 degrees to the plane of its orbit around the sun

B. The temperature of an object is determined by the

(1) average kinetic energy of its molecules

(2) average potential energy of its molecules

(3) total kinetic energy of the object

(4) total potential energy of the object

Also, if anyone could tell me the difference between kinetic and potential energy, that'd be great, too.




  1. A.3


    For the energy question see :;...


  2. think about the earth as we are right now.  if we didn't have any axis tilt, we  wouldn't have any seasons.  the sun would be strongest at the equator, and we'd have no tropic of cancer or capricorn.  

    so in order to have the greatest difference in seasons, you'd need to rotate the axis (45 degrees) to the sun, so as we spin around the earth, we'd have seasons!!!

    hope this helps!

  3. A-4


    Potential energy is stored energy means it "can" do something

    example you hold a ball above your head. That ball is going no where but it "can" have energy if you drop it

    Kenetic energy

    energy in motion

    the ball falling to the ground

    Fid the circumfrence of the earth with the sun

    On the same day of the year at the ext same time say like noon

    put a stick in the ground and measur the length and angle of the shadow at both places

    find the distance from stick a to stick b

    make sure it is a LONG distance

    using arc math you can find the radius then the distance of the circumfrenece

    I know thats a bit of a laymans way but here is a good link

    its a good read

  4. A. 4

    B. 1

    Kinetic energy is the energy due to motion.

    Example: a person walking

    Potential energy is stored energy.

    Example: water behind a dam

    Finding the circumference of the Earth by using the sun's altitude is a famous experiment by Eratosthenes performed centuries ago.  For full details, go to:


    Question A is ambiguous.  It depends on what you mean by the phrase "greatest difference".  Do you mean the greatest difference from one location to another at the same time of year or do you mean the greatest difference at the same location at different times of the year?  That makes a difference in what the correct answer is.

    Heat and temperature are not the same thing.  You have differing answers for question B; so read the info at:

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