
Does anyone here know of a good place that lists a comparison between Christian denominations?

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I know there is one called but it's not complete. also has a little something but it only lists 4 denominations.




  1. Here's a pretty elementary one:

  2. Might be easier to ask about particular denominations that you're interested in.  I know a lot about most of them, so feel free to email me if you have some questions:

  3. There's not going to be a single website out there that is going to give you a really good comparison of the different Christian denominations. Your best bet is going to be to ask members of different denominations. Feel free to message me if you want to know about Catholicism. You wouldn't be the first non-Catholic I've enlightened.

    And despite what Franhu might have to say, Catholicism is not a cult. We are the original Christians. Catholic=universal, and Christ meant for his church to be for everybody, a universal church.

  4. Yes, read your Bible, and compare each religion with that !

    Doug O - I notice that the reference web site you give only lists 12 cults and fails to mention the true remnant Christian church ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .




  6. 38,000 is the number of christian denominations used by alot of people

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