
Does anyone here know what affiliate Marketing is?

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Hello, Here is another brainer. I am wondering what Affiliate Marketing is? How do you do this online? Legit Answers please.

Thank You,





  1. Affiliate marketing is where you get paid to recommend and share a product.  It is a very powerful way of marketing because people like recommendations before they buy.

    Affiliateship marketing generally means you are marketing a service, rather than a product.  For instance, a mobile phone provider may give you a kick back if you recommend a friend take their plan.

    Affiliate ship marketing also relies on a viral style of marketing - you tell someone who tells someone who tells someone etc.

    Trust this helps.  There are some great and very generous programs out there!  How do you do this online?  I use Video Email and it pays handsomely!  That's how I do it!

    Good luck


  2. Affiliate marketing is selling products for companies and getting a portion or commission of the profit.  For example, you set up a web site about dogs.  Then you go to commission junction and find products to add to your page that relate to dogs, like collars, foods, etc.  You sign up for those affiliate programs and get links to put on your web site.  Next, you article market or blog about your site and get free traffic.

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