
Does anyone here know why Gov. Palin wanted the state trooper fired?

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There are 2 reasons I have found. I am just interested if anyone else knows




  1. Gov. Palin wanted the state trooper fired That's just hearsay at this point and the case has not been made.

  2. Supposedly, it was her ex-brother in-law and he divorced her sister.  What a coincidence.

    With all this c**p coming out on her in just the first week, she is definitely going to "resign" before November.

  3. She didn't

  4. The reason I heard is because he divorced her sister.  h**l hath no fury like the sister of the governor scorned, huh?  

  5. Yes.  

  6. After he split with Sarah's sister, he threaten Sarah and her family he should of been arrested instead of fired

  7. I heard it had to do with a custody case and that the trooper was her ex brother in law.

    She basically did the same thing Bush/Alberto Gonzalez did.

  8. The trooper told her sister that if she hired a divorce attorney that he would kill her father.  This is a threat made on the life of the sitting Governor's father.

    They claim he tazered one of her kids too. If this is true he belongs in jail.

  9. Tasar my kid and fired would be a gift compared to what I would do to him.  

  10. The Trooper was married to her sister and they were in the middle of a custody battle.  Probably to make him look bad in front of family court .  Palin allegedly used her authority to coerce a Commisioner to fire him.  If I'm following the story correctly the Commisioner lost his job.  So now she is being investigated for abuse of authority and ethical practices.  What are the reasons you have heard?

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