
Does anyone here like Sylvia Browne , I really did but not sure now , what to think?

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After reading so many negative things about her lately , I dont know what to think. I have most of her books and have not bought any recent ones lately. If there are any of her fans here, do you feel the same way , or is it just me ? Is she for real or not .....If you are a believer , do you just not believe her ?? thanks




  1. I am 100% sure she is a fake.  Remember when she said that kidnapped boy was dead and he turned up a live?  She's full of it, I can't believe anyone would buy into that c**p!  Why didn't she warn us about 9/11?

  2. I can't say that there is no such thing as psychics, even if I dont believe in them.

    But lets look at the Christian point of view (as I am a Christian)

    Psychic powers can come from two places, demonic possession and the Holy Spirit.

    The Bible clearly states various times in the old testament and new that a prophet who speaks through the Holy Spririt will be without error. Therefore, if Sylvia Browne is a psychic, she is working for the dark forces by the Christian view, because she was wrong.

    The Bible also says, that satan will appear as an angel of light doing good deeds.

    Ok, its my opinion that she is a fraud, and my Christian belief that if she is not, she is demonically possessed if she is not.

    Either way, she should not be admired.

  3. I used to like her too but after she said those miners were dead and they turned up alive I have lost faith in her predictions. I now think she just guesses on the most probable outcome and thats how she works it.

  4. She is a F-R-A-U-D.  Some so-called psychics really do believe in their "gift".  Those are known as true believers.  The rest know there's no such thing as psychic powers and are just out to take as much money off those gullible enough to believe them.  Those people (like Browne) are criminals plain and simple.

    I used to be more forgiving of (and feel sorry for) people like you who have actually contributed to her wealth and therefore encouraged more just like her, but now I see anyone who believes in her nonsense to be dupes who deserve to be robbed.  I know this seems cruel, but I have been speaking out against people like Browne for years and the whole psychics, ghosts, EVPs, auras, angels, etc. world just resurfaces.  It's like an unsinkable rubber ducky.  Some people just want to be fooled.

  5. ok you got my interest up i came to this question a hour ago went to the link and have been reading sincenow i'm not so sure about her

  6. I feel the exact same way! When I first heard of her (and watched her on Maury) I thought she was very impressive! I, too, bought some of her books.

    The thing that gets me is that she charges $750 for a 1/2 hour phone call, and her son is supposedly a psychic as well? Hmm.

  7. She is completely evil and off her noodle.

  8. Sylvia Browne is a con woman, according to her ex-husband.  She has been found to be incorrect in many of her predictions.  She has been caught in many lies.

    But, some people do have psychic abilities.   I have had a couple of absolutely remarkable readings.

  9. well i used to but im not so sure now. but yeah well i know people are gonna call me crazy but last year i watched her on montel and she was talking about people's spirit guide and their names and stuff right and she was saying that if you just ask it to tell you that it would tell you right. so that night before i fell asleep i said "spirit guide if you can hear me please come into my dream and tell me your name cuz i really want to know" so  i fell asleep and had a dream then like in the middle my dream got interupted by another one. and i remember that i was in this dark alley at night and there was some man walking away from me then my first dream came back and resumed. then when i woke up that morning i had the name Luis in my head and i don't even like that name. but yeah it was wierd. but yeah i used to believe in her but not anymore.

  10. Listen, is she charging money for her gift? If they charge money stay away from them. You know you don't really need to reach out especially since we live in a mental matrix that is constantly feeding us important information. These people won't tell you this because they don't know how to hook into it. But anyone experiencing life can just tweak their own perceptual senses and begin to take control of their destiny.

  11. Personally, I doubt there are such things as psychics or mediums.Some I think are harmless delusional folk.Others like Browne and Edwards are nothing but Con-artists.The lowest of the low.As a rule, I don't take people who say they have super powers seriously.Don't be unkind but don't be gullible either.

  12. Very much a fraud.  See the following source.  There's a couple of articles near the bottom on Sylvia and check the Encyclopedia for more material.

  13. She and John Edward are the biggest frauds out there. If you ask the police involved, you'll find out that she didn't help to solve any murders. She can't see anything but the money in people's wallets.

  14. Honestly, I'm not sure but she is very rich.($$)If Ms. Browne is truly a prophet, she is using her gifts for the wrong reasons.

  15. I use to love her. read a ton of her books.  I dont believe everything she says but I feel some is accurate.  However recently I was watching her and she seems to not care anymore...she seems disillusioned.

    On top of that if she is psychic I understand they arn't always 100% but she has been very very wrong quite frequently and on major things too life or death situations!!!

    Also her 2000's predictions get ridiculous.  We have to hurry up and get on the hover craft and house of the future building to keep up.

    btw she has multiple felonies I think I read

  16. If she was right all of the time than people would worship her for it. Look into remote viewing or formally known as psychic spying. Some of these people get their accurate information from someone or somewhere. I've seen enough of this myself. Keep looking anyway. Our lives are not as simple as others would have you believe.Personally, I'm not a fan of hers.

  17. I'v been very busy the last few months and haven't heard anything.  I'v been a fan of her's and John Edwards for years.  Can't afford the books though.  Would if I could.  I don't know.  Sometimes I really believe them and other times I don't so much.  I guess that's cause I feel guilty because the Bible say's not to get into that sort of thing.  But, I don't know the Bible like I should either.  I thought I read somewhere in it that there are real mediums for us.  I'm just confused.  I don't know.   Sorry.

  18. Personally I love Sylvia Browne, she teaches far more than is beyond the seeing eye. She whole heartedly spreads postive messages of the power of love, and is involved in countless charities and oraginzations reaching out with a warm light to others.

  19. i believe she can see certain things, she has helped solve many murders...but her i can see the dead behind you is nonsense, andi dont believe her c**p about after  life either..... i dont watch her or read he books anymore i think she is a weird *** freak

  20. The Bible says that some of them are real.  It also says that they aren't being lead by God but by spirits instead.  Doesn't that sound dangerous. Well, God also has warnings for those that seek them.  They may have the best intentions but they only lead you away from God.  Just think, why pray if you can get quick answers.  I wish I knew of the scripture verses off hand but I'm sure someone does and can post them.

    My mom paid the $700 and something.  Very little if anything was correct what Sylvia Browne told my mom.  It put my mom and me on a rocky road for awhile because my mom expected me to follow what Sylvia said when it was my mom's reading and not mine.  My mom still believes in her ever though the man she met didn't have the name Sylvia gave her for the man she would meet.  His first letter of his name was the same, that was good enough for my mom!

    God says to test the spirits, he says if what's said doesn't come true every time then their message isn't from God and to have no part of them.

    I read many of her books, I wanted to learn about this subject and also because of my mom.  These books are weird and what she says of heaven is nothing like what the Bible heaven is like.  She started her own religion did you know that?  She gets money giving talks on this too.  I don't understand how anyone can believe in her after reading her books.


  21. I believed her until I found the stop Sylvia Browne website by accident. It changed my opinion.

  22. I don't know if I do anymore, so much negativity ... she used to be an inspiration, but I just don't know anymore ... it's sad :(

  23. I don't believe her or anyone else who has claimed to be a psychic.  The only thing I have any doubt about is the degree of self-deception these people have.  Some so-called psychics may believe they are, but I consider that unlikely for one such as Sylvia Browne.  Some use too many cold reading techniques which would be recognizable to a person who has studied this.  That's not accidental.  So I believe all of them who have been doing it as a career are deliberate frauds.

      And Marguerite, if you saw how she bombed on Montel, twice, you wouldn't use it as a source.  Read what these people are saying.  You are a sitting duck for a con artist like her, because you *want* to believe.  Like those 900 poor, gullible folks who committed suicide in Jonestown because their cult leader told them to.  Sorry to direct this so much at you, but your name is the same as my wife's.  And she's gone.  And if someone tried to con me into believing he/she could talk to her beyond the grave, I would be sorely tempted to punch the guy in the nose.

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