
Does anyone here like the pairing Sasuke and Sakura?

by  |  earlier

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And hate Karin!!!!!!!

Oh one more thing.....for all the Sasuke and Sakura fans heres a little something for you------------------>




  1. h**l YA! I LOVE IT! xD

  2. no problem, they are the first couple until now

  3. Yes, I think so because sasuke likes sakura, and sakura likes sasuke. Like for an example: sasuke saves sakura's life once.  

  4. yes i love pairing sasuke,sakera i think they look cute together but they are not together:( they should be soon. i hope so too.

  5. To be honest- I don't really like the pairing of Sasuke and Sakura. Mainly because I think Sasuke is heartless -.- Lol. He's just... Idk.

    But I like the pairing of Naruto and Sakarua. xD

  6. wait..

    are we talking about naruto?



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