
Does anyone here live in Barcelona? If so, what is your opinion on it?

by Guest57499  |  earlier

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I guess if you've been there you could tell me what you think too! thanks!




  1. I've been living for two years in Barcelona. Its an amazing city. It is cosmopolitan and beautiful, yet made up of friendly neighbourhoods. The architecture is amazing. The public transport system is great!! Nightlife is a neverending sea of options. There are a million things to discover everyday!

  2. It's a beautiful city, just make sure you buy a great travel guide, the city is very big and you can get lost very easily, I would suggest doing the Hop on Hop off tour your first day or two to get to know the city a bit more.  You'll love it


  3. hey i've just been in Barcelona (i came back last wed) i was at my uncle's wedding. Barcelona is absolutly lovely however i was staying in a town not sure if you've heard of it Fraga? its about a 2 hour drive from Barcelona Airport but the day efore we left we went into Barcelona but didnt get to see any of it really cos it poured and it was frezzing so we had to come home again but the scenery on the way was beautiful. They wedding was held in Santuario Torreciudad

    this is pictures from the wedding on the torreciudad website

    we also took some day trips into catalunya it think it was called and lleida

  4. I'm a fan of Barcelona. The most cosmopolitan city in Spain. Good eating, night life, incredible architecture, etc..........

  5. ive never been but barcelona is where i want to move to eventually.

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