
Does anyone here live in one of the northwest US states?

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Well i live in Spirit Lake, Idaho and we still have a bunch of snow and it's almost May! What the heck is going on, this is ok in some northern places, but we just started playing baseball. Is there anyone else that has this problem. Oh and what happened to global warming, ahh thats right it was never really there.




  1. Dood - comon - would you please pay attention in school?  Your local weather patterns have nothing to do with validating whether the OVERALL AVERAGE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE is increasing or not.

    Also - consider that "global warming" is a dumbed down term because certain folks don't think many of us are smart enough to grasp the concept (gawd I hope their NOT right).  Rather we are facing human induced GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE.

    So while you might have unusual snow - someone else in the world may have unusual heat.

    OK so by your logic if you break heat records this summer - does that make "global warming" true?  Get back to us...

    But in the meantime could you turn off the radio and please read a text book?  I might have to hire you one day... shudder.

  2. Up here in Northern Wisconsin we have snow flurries which is not the norm.  However in 1958 we had 30 inches of snow fall in late April, what does this mean?  It means weather forecasters can predict weather based up science and technology they cannot control  the weather.

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