
Does anyone here prefer the PS2 over PS3??

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I like better the PS2, maybe the graphics are not as good but I just feel more confortable playing it....does anyone feel like me??




  1. No.

    my Ps3 is a 60 gig so I can play all the classic games.

    Thees no other reaoson to have a PS2.

  2. I preffer the PS2 because like you said im am very much more comfortable with it than the ps3 that my brother has

  3. No.

  4. no  

  5. I prefer ps3 to ps2 because in ps3 you get to play with people all over the world because you are online.

  6. yes i understand i like the ease of play the ps2 has over the ps3

  7. ive only played ps3 once but i looove my ps2 so much moree!

  8. No Wayy Maaan!!!



  9. PS2 can go online but i still prefer ps3. Especially the L2 and R2 buttons.

  10. NO WAY

    everytime i play the PS2, I feel shamed... actually I haven't played on a PS2 console since 2006 when I got my PS3. I rarely play PS2 games on my PS3 because of graphics, they make me sick by looking at them

    also why you feel comfortable playing on PS2? PS3 has the same controller but just wireless...

    most likely you will not see people saying they would like PS2 over PS3 unless they're just xbox fanboys

  11. i love both

  12. why? ps3 is the same thing but better. but i guess i know what you mean. the ps2 is comfortable. it doesn't pressure you with all these extra features like blu-ray. the ps2 is simple and dependable. but now with consoles getting bigger and more powerful, i guess we got to make the ps3 more comfortable, but then we will get well adjusted to the ps3 and think of it as our favorite console, that's when the ps4 will come out and the cycle continues.  

  13. i like the ps3 more than the ps2

  14. its like the same as ps2, but better. y wouldnt u prefer ps3

  15. yes, i prefer ps2 because it is easier to use, and just has more fun games all around.

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