
Does anyone here serious give a flying rat that Obama hurt his hip playing basketball?

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I can't believe it , I was watching cable when during the commercials a little news clip came on saying Obama has to go to the doctor because his hip is sore from playing basketball OMG give me a break ! Who the h**l cares! I think he got a paper cut last month I'm surprised that all channels didn't stop their programming to announce that important news story




  1. oh, so that's why he didn't walk back over the water after his trip, poor thing hurt his hip, i sure hope he's ok.

  2. Ever watch the all-news stations on Sunday?

    Not much going on.

    They are quick to jump on any little news item, and this qualifies.

  3. nope, didnt care then, dont care now, wont care then

  4. No, he should have been visiting with the injured troops, not playing basketball. But of course, he doesn't want to remind all of his brothas and sistas in the ghettos and hoods of their current below-the-poverty lives and predicaments.

  5. No one is giving Obama a break. Just leave him be! I don't care if he broke his hip, all I care about is what he has to offer America and how he will represent our country.

  6. Nope. Our local newswoman had to keep herself from laughing while she was reporting it. You just know that as soon as the commercial break came on she busted a gut.

    Must have been a very slow news day.

  7. The media knows it will get ratings for showing it so they do.  What we need to do is just quit paying attention to the media unless it is relevent.

  8. HAHA! NO!

  9. no! i really dont care laast night i was running and my legs are now sore does anyone want to stop tv and tell the world tht? lol =]

  10. So that proves it!! The Flim Flam Scam Man Obama can't play basketball any better than he can be a politician. I saw him making a basket a while back and that must have been a put on like everything else surrounding him!!!!

  11. He is a public figure currently in the news and people are interested in what happens to him. What's the big deal?

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