
Does anyone here think that middle school was the most worst part of your life?

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I freaking hated middle school. If you didnt dress like everyone else did, or wasnt wearing the same shoes everyone else was wearing, then you would get bulled and teased.

In my case, I got bullied in 6th grade because being overweight and the way I dressed. People used to tease me and bully me about it. I ended up skipping alot of 6th grade and repeating it. I ended up developing social anxiety, and skipped half of 7th and 8th grade. Its changed on how I view school. I dreaded to go to school.

Then high school came around. I started to notice people were more mature. But the social side I couldnt stand! I ended up dropping out last fall in 9th grade. This year i'm going to nightschool to study and get my GED.

I just hate school. Its not that i'm stupid or anything. Im actually quite smart.




  1. ya, middle school sucks cuz so many people judge you.... and if your not like them, they don't want to have anything to do with you. i didn't have that many friends in middle school cuz i transferred from another school, and at my other school we had to wear uniforms.... but when i went to my new middle school we didn't have uniforms. so i didn't have that many "cool" clothes! then when high school came around it got a lot better cuz people don't judge you as much, and now i have best friends. (in middle school i really didn't have best friends.... only friends)

  2. well ive actually just graduated from 8th grade. but it REALLY sucked for me as well. i'm so glad to be out of there. 6th-7th grade was h**l. 8th grade sucked too.

    i graduated from 5th grade and my mom sent me to a tiny private school which was k-8th grade for 6th grade. so everyone had already known each other and i was the ONLY new person. so i was known as the new girl. i was sooooo painfully shy. i had no confidence and i did make some friends but i was soo nervous about everything and the guys would talk behind my back about me and i was so insecure. i would never talk to anyone. and my face would always turn red...

    in like the middle of 6th grade these guys IMed me and told me every guy in the class talks about me and how ugly i am. and he said stuff about my nose. and he said no one in dance class choses me because im so ugly..

    idk but i was friends with all of the girls. none of the guys got to know me..

    and towards the end of 6th grade, all of the sudden EVERYONE in my class hated me. and my class is the entire grade btw. all of the sudden, all of my friends hated me. and it was for no reason. so i was like a loner and when my best friend started being mean to me i would start crying and then everyone would be on her side. ive asked my friend when she wasnt mad at me why everyone hated me and she said she honestly doesnt remember...

    but then everything was ok by the end of 6th grade. and 7th grade i dont remember that much. it sucked and i got really bad grades. lots of extremely embarrassing moments. still sick of everyone in the class..

    then 8th grade. i was really happy it was ending and the beginning of the year was good. my grades were really good. then they slowly started dropping and i started staying up until like 2 am..then i started coming late EVERYday. teachers yelled at me daily. i would start crying in front of the entire class almost everyday because i kept getting yelled at..i was soo stressed. the teachers brought in my dad and made him talk to them and he embarrassed me. i hated my teachers so much.  i hated everyone in the class. everyone was just super annoying and there were no friends i truly liked. and it was a tiny class. well i finally made it through and i didnt get into any good high schools. i still dont know where im going.  i wanted to get out of there so badly because i was sick of having my reputation as the shy girl. so many a******s in that tiny school.

    i was the only girl at graduation that didn't cry.

  3. i love school but i hate tests and exams!

  4. i think u've experienced quite bad days in middle school n that's why u have such a bitter opinion abt it....because for me those were the most wonderful days of my life....friends..masti....tests n all that...was a good routine.....i'm lucky that  i didn't have o go thru all that u have written...

  5. your scaring me- im going in a years time to enter the 10th grade!!!

  6. Yes I hated middle school for the same reasons. 6th grade was my worst year. It got better but was never great. College is such a different experience. I just had to go through a lot of bs before I got there..;...

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